Learn Japanese Online - JOI Teachers blog

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Every week, a professional Japanese teacher posts a new blog .

Previous blog archives from 2006 - mid-February 2014.

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Japanese current affairs

Japan News and topical stories from the JOI Japanese teachers with Kanji readings and English translations to help learners to master the Japanese language.

Do you know what Hina Matsuri is? This week Yamamoto sensei introduces a special Japanese celebration.Do you have a similar celebration in your country? ひな祭り Hina Matsuri dolls By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi  今週は3月3日の「ひな祭り」を紹介します。  女の子の健康と将来の幸せを願う祭りです。 今から1200年以上前に 宮中で始まりました。 今では、各家できれいな着物を着た、若い男女の人形を飾ります。 豪華なものは合計15個の人形や、多くの嫁入り道具なども飾ります。   桃の花や、 ひし形の3色のお餅を飾り、貝のスープやちらしずしを食べます。 これらはどれも、女...
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大寒 The coldest day of the year in Japan By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi  今週は「大寒」を紹介します。 日本では1月20日頃が、最も寒い季節で、大寒と言われています。 皆じっと、寒さに我慢しながら、春を待っています。 でも、雪の多い所では「かまくら」などを作って楽しみます。 また、1年で一番魚がおいしい時期でもあり、楽しみもあります。 To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.  Kanji with hiragana 大寒(だいかん)  今週(こんしゅう)は「大寒(だいかん)」を紹介(しょうかい)します。日本では1月20日頃(ころ)が、最(もっと)も寒(さむ)い季節(きせつ)で、大寒と 言われています。皆(みんな)じっと、寒さに我慢...
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Autumn in Japan Many people feel that autumn in Japan is the most beautiful season. The leaves change colours in the many parks and mountain forests, and there are many seasonal fruits and vegetables that are very tasty. You can hike up many of the easily accessible trekking routes as well as visit many of the celebrated temples and shrines with breathtaking scenery, and enjoy the joys of J...
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Working from home around the world As working from home has increased and online communication has become a norm, one issue that is recently receiving media attention is the health effects of sitting too long. There are a few countries that have data on this and Japan is one of them. In this blog by a Japanese teacher for learners of the language, Yukiko Takane has found some data on this proble...
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Disasters in Japan Japan is one of the worst-hit countries for disasters in the world. There are earthquakes and typhoons regularly, and during the rainy season torrential rain and flooding. What should we do to avoid the disasters in Japan and where should we evacuate to in the event of a disaster in our areas? This is one of the themes tackled here in this week's blog by Japanese teacher Izum...
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