Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Heavy rain warnings

Disasters in Japan

Japan is one of the worst-hit countries for disasters in the world. There are earthquakes and typhoons regularly, and during the rainy season torrential rain and flooding.

What should we do to avoid the disasters in Japan and where should we evacuate to in the event of a disaster in our areas?

This is one of the themes tackled here in this week's blog by Japanese teacher Izumi Yanaka. Yanaka sensei reads the blog herself, so you can listen to this fluent Japanese spoken out loud and practice your listening skills.

Heavy rain warnings






 それから、ニュースなどで最新の情報を確認しておくことも必要です。ニュースでは警戒レベルが発表されます。大雨注意報、洪水注意報などの注意報が出ているときはレベル2です。注意報が警報に変わるとレベル3、「避難準備」 の段階になります。さらに危険な状態になるとレベル4、「避難勧告」、「避難指示(緊急)」と表示されます。みなさんも自分のいる場所が「避難勧告」「避難指示(緊急)」となったら、近くの高い建物の上のほうや避難所など安全な場所にすぐ避難をしてください。どこへ逃げたらいいかわからないときは「どこへ逃げたらいいですか」と近くにいる人に聞いてください。


To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. 






Heavy rain warnings

In these last few years, a lot of heavy rain damage has been occuring during the later half of the rainy season. Even as I am writing this blog, in July 2020 (Reiwa year 2), I am really worried about some heavy rain, which is also being called torrential rain, that is causing widespread damage. It feels as though the damage being caused by heavy rain is getting more and more serious with each year.

What should we do to protect ourselves from rain damage? First confirm that your present situation is safe. The Hazard Map that is available publicly through the Internet will help with this. If you do not have access to the Internet or if the information is not available in your mother language, then you should go directly to either the city, town or ward office near you and ask them where the dangerous places are in the case of heavy rain.

It is also necessary to stay abreast of the latest information by watching news etc. In the news, they announce the advisory or warning level. When there is a heavy rain advisory and flood advisory, this is level 2. If the advisory changes to a warning, then this becomes a level 3 which is the level for evacuation preparations. And if the conditions get worse, then it becomes level 4, and then evacuation advisories and evacuation instructions ( in case of emergency) are issued. If evacuation advisories and emergency evacuation instructions are issued in your area, then you have to move to the top of a tall building or go to an evacuation shelter. If you do not know where the nearest evacuation shelter is, ask someone around you, “Where should we escape to?”

As the number of foreigners in Japan increases, local municipalities, the International Exchange Association, and other groups are increasing the number of places where information is available in many languages in the event of a disaster. There is a lot of information shown on some homepages as well. You can never know when disaster will strike. Before it does, make sure that you have all the necessary information at hand.

梅雨(つゆ)  rainy season (in Japan. from early June to mid-July)

大雨(おおあめ) heavy rain

被害(ひがい) (suffering) damage; injury; harm;

豪雨(ごうう) torrential rain; heavy rain; cloudburst; downpour;

深刻(しんこく) serious; severe; grave; acute;

身(み)を守(まも)る to defend oneself; to protect oneself
*命(いのち life)を守(まも)る protect one’s life

安全(あんぜん) safety; security;

ハザードマップ hazard map

警戒(けいかい)レベル advisory level; warning level

洪水(こうずい) flood

注意報(ちゅういほう) advisory

警報(けいほう) warning
* 特別警報(とくべつけいほう) emergency warning

避難準備(ひなんじゅんび) evacuation preparations

避難勧告(ひなんかんこく) evacuation advisory

避難指示(ひなんしじ) evacuation instructions

緊急(きんきゅう) emergency

避難所(ひなんじょ) shelter; safe shelter; evacuation shelter; place of refuge

自治体(じちたい) municipality; local government; local authority

国際交流協会(こくさいこうりゅうきょうかい) International Exchange Association

多国語(たこくご) in many languages


Hajimemashite ! My name is Izumi YANAKA.
Through my work as a System Engineer, I have had the experience of teaming up with foreign members of a team. After seeing the difficulties the team members went through with communication and cultural differences, I got to thinking, "If only there was something I could do to help !" Which was what led me to become a Japanese teacher.

How do you find studying Japanese ? Is it difficult ? Do you find it trying ? At the beginning, easy phrases will do, just think of what you want to say and give it a go. For example, let's talk about your favorite things. I like playing tennis, traveling, and gardening. What do you like to do ?

What's the best phrase to say in this situation ? Is this grammar usage correct ?

If you have questions like these on your mind, I want to answer them all one by one. And in this way, without even realizing it, your Japanese will come to improve.

Once you are able to speak, it gets to be fun. It's not difficult, and not trying at all ! I will help you widen your Japanese speaking world. Let's enjoy learning Japanese together.

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