熊本旅行 A trip to Kumamoto Prefecture Japan By KAMIOKA Chiho 昨年の10月に、熊本に旅行に行きました。 熊本市は熊本城や水前寺公園で有名なところですが、 緑が多くとても美しい街です。...
Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka
JOI Support staff and manager.
熊本旅行 A trip to Kumamoto Prefecture Japan By KAMIOKA Chiho 昨年の10月に、熊本に旅行に行きました。 熊本市は熊本城や水前寺公園で有名なところですが、 緑が多くとても美しい街です。...
七草がゆ The seven herb rice porridge By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi 新年明けましておめでとうございます。今年もよろしくお願いいたします。 今週は「 七草がゆ」を紹介します。 1月7日に今年も元気に過ごせるようにと願って「 おかゆ」を食べます。 春に咲く7種類の草を入れておかゆを作ります。 我が家でもこの日は簡単なおかゆを食べます。 To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. Kanji with hiragana 七草(ななくさ)がゆ 新年(しんねん)明けましておめでとうございます。 今年もよろしくお願いいたします。 今週(こんしゅう)は「七草(ななくさ)がゆ」を紹介(しょうかい)します。 1月7日に今年も元気に過(す...
A slice of Japanese life with a professional Japanese teacher Yamamoto sensei has been teaching at JOI for some years and is out resident expert on business lessons as well as various other classes. This blog is a small collection of Yamamoto sensei's feelings and pensive reflections that he shares about his daily life. Read the blog and blogs below and listen to Yamamoto sensei read the senten...
Japanese breeds of dog There are some breeds of dog that are native to Japan. Most of them were bred to be hunting dogs and are quite closely related to wolves. The oldest breed is known to be the Hokkaido Inu dog breed. Their features (longer thicker coat, and small ears) make them suited to colder climates. The Akita dog breed is well known for the story of Hachiko. And the most popular breed...
Rice in Japan Rice is the staple food in Japan. It is eaten daily by people – often for all three meals in a day. But there are some reports that as Japan modernized and society underwent changes, other food started to be consumed as an alternative more and more. And this included bread and noodles. In this blog for Japanese learners, Japanese teacher Yukiko Takane explains the connection that ...