Japanese apricot Yamamoto sensei introduces a plant that blooms at the start of spring and the end of winter in Japan. This plant gives Japanese people hope for the coming warm weather. Read this blog to study Japanese vocabulary and Kanji. 梅の木Japanese Apricot Tree By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi 今週は梅の木を紹介します。 日本の春の木で有名なのは、皆さんもよく知っている桜です。 梅は桜よりも1ケ月くらい早く咲き、花が同じように紫色の木です。 花が咲く2月頃はまだ雪が残り、寒いです。...
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Seasonal stories
Japanese seasons are part of the country's culture, folklore and traditions. The four seasons are observed diligently and many linguistic and social terms are based on this aspect of Japan.
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- 82 posts in this category
Japanese apricot Yamamoto sensei introduces a plant that blooms at the start of spring and the end of winter in Japan. This plant gives Japanese people hope for the coming warm weather. Read this blog to study Japanese vocabulary and Kanji. 梅の木Japanese Apricot Tree By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi 今週は梅の木を紹介します。 日本の春の木で有名なのは、皆さんもよく知っている桜です。 梅は桜よりも1ケ月くらい早く咲き、花が同じように紫色の木です。 花が咲く2月頃はまだ雪が残り、寒いです。...
Setsubun - the last day of winter Do you know about Japanese Setsubun? It is one of the favorite traditions of families with small children in Japan. It is a health-related celebration too! 節分Setsubun By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi 今週は節分を紹介します。2月3日は節分です。節分は日本で昔使われていた古いカレンダーで、1年の最後の日です。この日は悪い出来事を家から追い払い、新しい年を迎えるために、豆をまきます。この時に、「鬼は外、福は内」と叫びます。 また、歳と同じ数の豆を食べると、良い1年になると言われています。今年も、願いを込めて...
Yamayaki - traditional Japanese event Have you heard of the practice of Yamayaki that takes place in Nara prefecture in Japan? It has become a tourist draw and a tradition in Nara. But some people question whether it is good or bad for the environment. 山焼き Yamayaki mountain burning festival in Nara By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi 今週は「山焼き」を紹介します。 山焼きは春の初めに、野山の枯れた木や草を焼く伝統的な行事です。 日本で有名な山焼きが1月末に奈良...
Hot Summer Days Featured
Summer in Japan The Japanese summer is a hot and humid affair. Temperatures in the southern areas and mainland of the nation have regularly climbed to almost 40℃ in recent years with records being rewritten every year in various localities. In this blog for Japanese learners, Igarashi sensei, a Japanese language teacher at JOI, introduces some useful Japanese summer vocabulary. Please read the ...
September equinox The September equinox is a day in which is also known as the autumnal equinox. It is seen as the end of summer and start of autumn in the Northern Hemisphere.There are many cultures and countries that have special celebrations at this time. And in Japan there is a special name for the days and also for the time period. In this blog by a Japanese teacher. Miki Oosawa introduces ...