Japanese changing seasons Takase sensei introduces a topic about seasons in Kyoto. Read this lesson blog and learn new vocabulary about the sun and other seasonal changes in Japan. お日様 The sun during Japan's seasons By TAKASE Chiharu 2月になって少し暖かくなってきました。そして、日が出ている時間も長くなってきました。ちょうど私の住んでいる京都の日の出の時間はは6時45分ごろ、日の入りは17時40分ごろです。 毎年冬が来るたびに朝の授業に起きられるのだろうかとびくびくしておりますが、春が近づいてきて日の出が早くなるとこの不安...
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Seasonal stories
Japanese seasons are part of the country's culture, folklore and traditions. The four seasons are observed diligently and many linguistic and social terms are based on this aspect of Japan.
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- 82 posts in this category
Japanese changing seasons Takase sensei introduces a topic about seasons in Kyoto. Read this lesson blog and learn new vocabulary about the sun and other seasonal changes in Japan. お日様 The sun during Japan's seasons By TAKASE Chiharu 2月になって少し暖かくなってきました。そして、日が出ている時間も長くなってきました。ちょうど私の住んでいる京都の日の出の時間はは6時45分ごろ、日の入りは17時40分ごろです。 毎年冬が来るたびに朝の授業に起きられるのだろうかとびくびくしておりますが、春が近づいてきて日の出が早くなるとこの不安...
Learn new Japanese Kanji It's 2024 and time to make your New Year Resolutions come into effect. Kanji is one of the main sections of the JLPT test and a big part of the Japanese lessons at JOI. Read this blog below from Yokozuka sensei and learn some new Kanji too! 今年の抱負を漢字一文字で表してみました Aspirations for this year expressed in one kanji character By YOKOZUKA Noriko 私の今年の抱負を漢字一文字で表してみまし...
Celebrate New Year Japanese style Japan's New Year ceremonies have roots in ancient history and have a deep meaning for removing bad feelings from your heart. Scroll down to read more. Use this free Japanese lesson blog to learn new vocabulary and Kanji. 大晦日New Year's Eve By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi 今日は1年最後の日12月31日の大晦日を紹介します。 昔の日本では、月の最後の日を晦日と呼んでいました。その呼び方が今でも残り、一年の最後の日にあたる12月31日を大晦...
What is the Kanji of the year 2023? The choices for this annual event have always been interesting. This year is no different! Read below to find out what it is, and why it was chosen in this free Japanese lesson blog by Yamamoto sensei. You can use the English translation below to read the meaning, and the Furigana to learn new Kanji. 今年の漢字Japan's Kanji of the Year, 2023 By YAMAMOTO H...
December is busy in Japan People are trying to complete the year's tasks before the New Year break. And this leads to the special name for December. Read on below and found out more about this Japanese lesson blog to learn some new Japanese phrases and vocabulary. 師走 'Shiwasu', The month of December By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi 今回は「師走」を紹介します。 師走とは、月の動きを元にしたカレンダー陰暦で言う12月のこ...