Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Unveiling the Quaint Japanese Tradition of Card Sending Card sending is a long held tradition in Japan. Some people send cards several times a year, but there are actually seasons and days for special card-giving. Read Yamamoto sensei's blog below to learn more about this quaint seasonal greeting method. 暑中見舞いSummer greeting cards By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi  今週は「暑中見舞い」を紹介します。  暑中見舞い...
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skills for the JLPT tests By reading this blog, you can learn about a certain Japanese tradition and also practice your listening, reading, and vocabulary skills for the JLPT tests. 朝顔市Morning-Glory Market By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi  今週は「朝顔市」を紹介します。 7月の初旬に朝顔という鉢植えの花を、露店で販売するイベントが各地で行われます。  朝顔は、ツルを伸ばして、周りのものに絡みながら、赤・青・紫・白色などの大きな花をたくさん咲かせる花です。 朝早く5時頃から花を咲かせるので、この名前が付きました。  朝顔市では職人が育てた...
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The Tanabata Star Festival: A Beloved Cultural Celebration in Japan The Tanabata Star Festival is one of the most loved celebrations and cultural days in the Japanese calendar. The origin of the festival comes from a Chinese folk tale and there are many renditions of the story in Manga, Anime, and live-action films. Read this blog in Japanese to learn more vocabulary and prepare yourself for the...
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Discovering Yamabiraki and Natural Beauty Yamamoto sensei's language learning blog provides an immersive introduction to a unique cultural event, exploring its historical significance of Yamabiraki and the awe-inspiring natural beauty that awaits climbers. 山開きJapan Mountain-climbing Season By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi  今週は「山開き 」を紹介します。  山開きとは、一般の人が登山を許される期間の最初の日のことです。 日本一高い山の富士山では7月1日頃...
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Environmentally Conscious Summer Solstice Celebrations in Japan Did you know that Summer Solstice is celebrated in a environmentally conscious way in Japan? Read more below to find out! This blog for Japanese learners teaches you new vocabulary and also introduces some really interesting facts about the June event in Japan. Most Northern Hemisphere countries have unique ways to celebrate this da...
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