JLPT N1 試験対策コース






  • アスク出版の『JLPTオンラインハーフ模試 N1』を使用いたします。
  • 読解の文字は小さいので、携帯やタブレットでは見づらいです。パソコンでの受講をおすすめします。
  • どのレッスンも、シリーズではありませんので、どの回からでも自由に受講できます。
  • レッスン内容の詳細についてはレッスンプランをご確認ください。
  • スケジュールは変更になる場合があります。


takaseJLPT N1直前対策コーススケジュール 日曜 6時(日本時間)
( ご自分のタイムゾーンでご確認ください)


Date (Japan Time) Teacher Subject Lesson Contents
2024/11/03 高瀬 聴解 アスクのハーフ模試 セットA
2024/11/10 高瀬 文字語彙 アスクのハーフ模試 セットA
2024/11/17 高瀬 文法・読解 アスクのハーフ模試 セットA
2024/11/24 高瀬 読解 アスクのハーフ模試 セットA

Qiao Dan(China) writes...

qiao“Thanks to JOI, I passed the JLPT N1 ! Thank you to my teachers !”

At first I took mainly conversation classes at JOI. When I usually speak in Japanese, I am not sure whether my Japanese is correct or not so I was often embarrased to speak it. In the lessons, I was able to talk freely. And the teacher would correct the areas I made mistakes in. I also could take classes with people from various countries so the conversations were interesting and fun.

From September, I started to study for the JLPT N1 test using the JLPT Final Preparation Course classes. I really did pass the JLPT thanks to these classes. I started the classes in September and was not absent for a single class. I took the classes and after each class I reviewed what we had studied. By doing only this, I was able to pass. I didn't do any other studying apart from these classes (its not a good way, I know, but I really didn't have time for anything else). I had originally studied JLPT N3 grammar, but I hadn't studied the JLPT N2 grammar. So from September I started to take the JLPT N2 grammar classes too.

The JOI classes are a relaxing time for me. After starting these classes, I came to think that studying was fun. The teachers are kind too. I really like the JOI classes, so even after passing the JLPT N1, when I have time, I continue to take the classes. I want to improve my Japanese more.

If you want to improve your Japanese, I recommend the JOI classes for you.

more JLPT Student's voices

OK N1レベルの方へ - JOIのおすすめ通年クラス!

JLPT対策コースはJLPT合格への最後の仕上げです。 通年クラスと併用することで、さらに日本語力を高めることができます。

square2文法、JLPT N1の文法を学びたい方・・・上級文法(N1)
square2漢字力をつけたい方・・・・・・・JLPT N1 準備コース【漢字】