End of Year In Japan As the year draws closer to the end, there are different customs in every culture that are practiced. Do you know about this culture of gift giving in Japan? Oseibo. No, its not Christmas gifts! Yamamoto sensei will explain below. Read this fun and informative blog, learn Japanese vocabulary and enjoy this free Japanese online class blog. お歳暮を贈るOseibo By YAMAMOTO ...
Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka
JOI Support staff and manager.
End of Year In Japan As the year draws closer to the end, there are different customs in every culture that are practiced. Do you know about this culture of gift giving in Japan? Oseibo. No, its not Christmas gifts! Yamamoto sensei will explain below. Read this fun and informative blog, learn Japanese vocabulary and enjoy this free Japanese online class blog. お歳暮を贈るOseibo By YAMAMOTO ...
Salmon season is here in Japan! Explore this free Japanese class blog by language teacher Yamamoto-sensei! In this blog, Yamamoto-sensei shares the surprising story of one of Japan’s most beloved fish. Read through the blog and practice new Japanese Kanji as you scroll through the different versions. Listen to the YouTube video and practice for the Listening Comprehension section of the JLPT exa...
Make your world interesting with this Japanese blog's great tip Takase sensei, one of our Intermediate and Advanced Japanese teachers has a fun blog for you. Learn Japanese and use the translation and Kanji guide for your language self-study. 面白きこともなき世を面白く The sun during Japan's seasons By TAKASE Chiharu 「面白きこともなき世を面白くすみなすものは心なりけり」幕末に活躍した長州藩士高杉晋作の言葉です。 この世の中は面白くないが、自分の考え方次第で面白くす...
Discover the Beauty of "Micro-Differences" Have you ever noticed how the smallest details can have the most profound impact? Hayashi Sensei introduces the fascinating Japanese concept of 微差(びさ), or "micro-differences." ステキな言葉 「微差(びさ)」A fantastic Japanese word : ‘micro-differences’ By HAYASHI Ayumi 今日は、微差(びさ)ということばを紹介します。 微差(びさ)とは、非常に小さな差や違いのことです。例文はこちらです。 ①試合は、微差(びさ)で勝ち負けが決まる。...
Japanese Buddhist vegetarian cuisine If you are ever in Japan, please try some different Japanese food or Washoku. Some has meat and some, like the type described below, is vegetarian and has a long history. 精進料理をいただくEnjoy Japanese vegetarian food By YAMAMOTO Hiroshi 今回は「精進料理」を紹介します。 精進料理とは、肉や魚を使わないで、野菜や穀物、豆腐、海藻、木の実、果物などの植物性の食材のみで作った料理のことです。 これは道元というお坊さんが、仏教の教えである生き物を殺すことをしないで作る料理...