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Japanese end of year gifts

End of Year In Japan

As the year draws closer to the end, there are different customs in every culture that are practiced.

Do you know about this culture of gift giving in Japan? Oseibo. No, its not Christmas gifts! Yamamoto sensei will explain below.

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 また、お歳暮を贈るのにはいくつかルールがあります。 まずは、お歳暮を贈る時期は、地方により異なりますが、だいたい12月10日頃~20日頃までとされています。感謝の気持ちを伝えるので、遅くなると失礼になります。


 このように、お歳暮は色々と気を使いますが、日ごろの感謝の気持ちをで表す良い習慣だと思います。 私も30年近くお歳暮を贈り続けている遠方の知人が何名かいます。贈り物を選んだり、お礼状のやり取りで近況を知らせ合ったりする瞬間が楽しいですね。


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 また、お歳暮を贈るのにはいくつかルールがあります。 まずは、お歳暮を贈る時期(じき)は、地方(ちほう)により異(こと)なりますが、だいたい12月(がつ)10日(とおか)頃(ころ)~20日(はつか)頃までとされています。感謝(かんしゃ)の気持ちを伝(つた)えるので、遅(おそ)くなると失礼(しつれい)になります。


 このように、お歳暮は色々(いろいろ)と気を使いますが、日(ひ)ごろの感謝の気持ちを形(かたち)で表(あらわ)す良(よ)い習慣(しゅうかん)だと思(おも)います。 私(わたし)も30年(ねん)近(ちか)くお歳暮を贈り続(つづ)けている遠方(えんぽう)の知人が何名(なんめい)かいます。贈り物を選(えら)んだり、お礼状のやり取(と)りで近況(きんきょう)を知(し)らせ合(あ)ったりする瞬間(しゅんかん)が楽(たの)しいですね。



In this issue, I would like to talk about year-end gifts (Oseibo).

A year-end gift is a way of saying “Thank you very much for your kindness this year. I look forward to working with you again next year. " It is a gift given to those who have taken care of you during the year as a token of gratitude.

In the old days, at the end of the year, people used to visit the people who had taken care of them on a daily basis and give them a gift in person as a greeting. Nowadays, however, most people have their gifts delivered at department stores and other stores or through the Internet.

Popular gift items include alcohol, coffee, sweets, ham, and other items that can be stored for a long time and eaten by everyone in the family or at work. Practical items such as detergent and cooking oil are also appreciated.

In the past, gifts were usually given to company bosses or business partners with whom the recipient has a business relationship. However, these year-end gifts are now decreasing as many companies have stopped giving year-end gifts in order to prevent collusion between busine ss partners, superiors, and subordinates.On the other hand, more and more gifts are being given to really close friends and acquaintances.

There are also a few rules for giving year-end gifts. First of all, the time to send year-end gifts varies from region to region, but it is generally considered to be from around December 10 to 20. Since it is a way of expressing gratitude, it would be rude to send it late.

Furthermore, once you start giving a gift, it is good manners to give it every year, but if you want to stop in the middle, you need to be considerate to the recipient. Specifically, in a thank-you letter, you should thank the recipient for sending the year-end gift and add the phrase, “I hope you will continue to be considerate in the future. " Also, be careful to clearly state, “We look forward to a long and unchanging relationship with you in the future,” so that the recipient knows that you do not want to stop your relationship.

As you can see, the year-end gift takes a lot of care, but I think it is a good custom to express your gratitude in the form of a gift. I have several distant acquaintances to whom I have been sending year-end gifts for nearly 30 years. I enjoy the moment of selecting gifts and exchanging thank-you notes to let each other know what is going on in their lives.

This year, too, I would like to send year-end gifts to my acquaintances, remembering their families.

お歳暮:year-end gift

年の暮れ:year end

かねる:o serve two or more functions or roles simultaneously

手渡し:handing over in person





取引先: business connection

主流:(the) mainstream

癒着: collusion;


観点:point of view

一方:on the one hand



礼状:letter of thanks


添える:to accompany


明記:clear writing


習慣:(social) custom

遠方:distant place

近況:recent state



I started teaching Japanese to technical intern trainees and internship students, and since 2019, online Japanese instructor at JOI.

My main focus is on Business Japanese and JLPT grammar (N1,N2.N3) in particular. I am also available for short-term private lessons to improve your business Japanese skills before joining a company, taking an assignment, or changing jobs on your requested schedule.

I worked for a major machine manufacturer for about 40 years. During that time, I was assigned to various departments such as factories, trading, R&D, sales, general affairs, accounting, and auditing. With these experiences, I believe I can provide you with practical assistance in various situations when you are doing business in Japanese.

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