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A fantastic Japanese word : ‘micro-differences’

Discover the Beauty of "Micro-Differences"

Have you ever noticed how the smallest details can have the most profound impact?

Hayashi Sensei introduces the fascinating Japanese concept of 微差(びさ), or "micro-differences."

ステキな言葉 「微差(びさ)」
A fantastic Japanese word : ‘micro-differences’








 普段、どうしても誰かと比べて「あの人はすごいなあ。でも自分は全然ダメだなあ。」とか、日常生活においても、人とは大きな差があるように思えます。でも、すべては微差の積み重ね。 「塵も積もれば山となる」 という日本のことわざがあります。最初から完成しているものなんてありません。



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ステキな言葉 「微差(びさ)」





 普段(ふだん)、どうしても誰かと比(くら)べて「あの人はすごいなあ、でも自分は全然ダメだなあ。」とか、日常(にちじょう)生活においても、人とは大きな差(さ)があるように思えます。でも、すべては微差の積(つ)み重(かさ)ね。 「塵(ちり)も積もれば山となる」 という日本のことわざがあります。最初から完成(かんせい)しているものなんてありません。



A fantastic Japanese word : ‘micro-differences’

Today, I would like to introduce the word ‘micro-differences’. A micro-difference is a very small difference or difference. Here are some example sentences.

(i) In a match, victory or defeat is decided by the smallest of differences.

(ii) This product is superior to the products of other companies by a small margin.

Have you ever had the experience that if you had been off by one more second, it could have been a major accident? I have also had the harrowing experience of not being hit by a car when I was just one centimetre away. It is no exaggeration to say that a small difference can make the difference between life and death.

Usually, we can't help but compare ourselves with someone else and say, ‘That person is great. But I'm not good at all.’ In everyday life, it seems that there is a big difference between us and other people. However, everything is an accumulation of small differences.

There is a Japanese proverb that says, ‘If dust builds up, it becomes a mountain.’ Nothing is ever complete from the outset.

Just as changing the direction you walk in changes your destination, acting with an awareness of minute differences somehow changes the view you see. Isn't ‘micro-differences’ a beautiful word?

微差(びさ)  Differential difference (Bisa)

差(さ)  Difference(s)

過言(かごん)ではない  It's not an exaggeration

普段(ふだん  )Normal day

積(つ)み重(かさ)ねる  pile up 

塵(ちり)も積もれば山となる  When dust accumulates, it becomes a mountain

完成(かんせい)する  Completing

意識(いしき)する  Be Conscious

行動(こうどう)する  Take action


I previously lived in Hong Kong for 10 years. There I taught Japanese for 3 years at a Japanese language school in Hong Kong and subsequently for 8 years after returning to Japan.
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