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Yabusame Traditional Japanese Mounted Archery

Japan; a land of tradition

There are many traditional festivals and events in Japan. This free Japanese lesson blog explores one of these events. It is a spectacular event - don't miss it!






 「やぶさめ」とは昔の武士の姿をした人が、馬を走らせながら、矢で三つの的を当てる伝統的な行事です。 日本の色々な所で行われていますが、最も有名な「やぶさめ」は9月16日に鎌倉の神社で行われるものです。

 「やぶさめ」は、元々は武術の訓練です。 しかし、神社で行う場合、平和や豊作、健康などの願いをする目的もあります。 また、最近はスポーツ競技としても楽しまれています。

 「やぶさめ」の馬の速度は時速60㎞以上となります。 それに乗って三つの的を次々と勢いよく当てる姿を身近に見ると、迫力満点です。


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 「やぶさめ」とは昔(むかし)の武士(ぶし)の姿(すがた)をした人が、馬(うま)を走(はし)らせながら、矢(や)で三つの的(まと)を当てる伝統的(でんとうてき)な行事(ぎょうじ)です。 日本の色々(いろいろ)な所(ところ)で行(おこな)われていますが、最(もっと)も有名(ゆうめい)な「やぶさめ」は9月16日に鎌倉(かまくら)の神社(じんじゃ)で行われるものです。

 「やぶさめ」は、元々(もともと)は武術(ぶじゅつ)の訓練(くんれん)です。 しかし、神社(じんじゃ)で行う場合(ばあい)、平和(へいわ)や豊作(ほうさく)、健康(けんこう)などの願(ねが)いをする目的(もくてき)もあります。 また、最近(さいきん)はスポーツ競技(きょうぎ)としても楽(たの)しまれています。

 「やぶさめ」の馬の速度(そくど)は時速(じそく)60㎞以上(いじょう)となります。 それに乗(の)って三つの的(まと)を次々(つぎつぎ)と勢(いきお)いよく当(あ)てる姿(すがた)を身近(みじか)に見ると、迫力満点(はくりょくまんてん)です。



This week we introduce 'Yabusame'.

Yabusame is a traditional event in which a person dressed as a samurai from the olden days hits three targets with arrows while riding a horse. It is held in many parts of Japan, but the most famous Yabusame is held on 16 September at a shrine in Kamakura.

Yabusame was originally a martial arts exercise. However, when performed at shrines, it also serves the purpose of wishing for peace, a good harvest and good health. More recently, it has also been enjoyed as a sporting event.

The speed of the horses in yabusame can be over 60 km/h. It is a powerful sight to see the horsemen hitting three targets one after another with great vigour.

Why not make a wish and come and watch the Yabusame?

やぶさめ horseback archery

武術(ぶじゅつ)martial arts

豊作(ほうさく) good harvest

迫力満点(はくりょくまんてん) full impact


I started teaching Japanese to technical intern trainees and internship students, and since 2019, online Japanese instructor at JOI.

My main focus is on Business Japanese and JLPT grammar (N1,N2.N3) in particular. I am also available for short-term private lessons to improve your business Japanese skills before joining a company, taking an assignment, or changing jobs on your requested schedule.

I worked for a major machine manufacturer for about 40 years. During that time, I was assigned to various departments such as factories, trading, R&D, sales, general affairs, accounting, and auditing. With these experiences, I believe I can provide you with practical assistance in various situations when you are doing business in Japanese.

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