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Nebuta Matsuri festival Aomori

Get Immersed in the Enchanting Nebuta Festival of Japan

Step into the captivating realm of Japan's most vibrant and exhilarating summer spectacle - the Nebuta Festival. Read on below to find out!

Nebuta Festival





 この祭りは毎年8月2日から7日にかけて青森県で行われます。 歌舞伎のような顔をした巨大な灯ろうが夜、街を進む祭りです。 この時、この灯ろうの周りには、たくさんのハネトと言われる人たちが跳ぶように踊っています。

 この灯ろうはねぶた師と言われる伝統工芸の職人によって、個性的に製作されます。 また、ハネトは決まった衣装さえ着れば、だれでも参加ができます。 踊り方は「ラッセーラ、ラッセーラ」と言いながら、片足で跳びながら進むだけです。




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 この祭りは毎年8月2日から7日にかけて青森県(あおもりけん)で行われます。 歌舞伎(かぶき)のような顔をした巨大(きょだい)な灯(とう)ろうが夜、街(まち)を進む祭りです。 この時、この灯ろうの周(まわ)りには、たくさんのハネトと言われる人たちが跳(と)ぶように踊(おど)っています。

 この灯ろうはねぶた師(し)と言われる伝統工芸(でんとうこうげい )の職人(しょくにん)によって、個性的(こせいてき)に製作(せいさく)されます。 また、ハネトは決まった衣装(いしょう)さえ着れば、だれでも参加(さんか)ができます。 踊(おど)り方(かた)は「ラッセーラ、ラッセーラ」と言いながら、片足(かたあし)で跳(と)びながら進(すす)むだけです。



Nebuta Festival

This week we introduce one of Japan's largest summer festivals, the Nebuta Matsuri.

This festival takes place every year from 2-7 August in Aomori Prefecture. The festival features giant lanterns with Kabuki-like faces that move through the streets at night. At this time, many people known as 'Haneto' dance around these lanterns as they leap.

The lanterns are made by traditional craftsmen called 'Nebuta-shi', who create them in their own unique way. Anyone can participate as long as they wear a certain costume. All they have to do is say "Rasseera! Rasseera!" and jump on one foot as they dance.

The Nebuta Festival is unusual among Japanese festivals in that it is a competition in the artistry of the lanterns, and anyone can easily participate as a dancer.

If you happen to visit Japan in August, you should definitely go to the Nebuta Festival in Aomori.

ねぶた祭り Nebuta Festival

灯(とう)ろう garden lantern

伝統工芸(でんとうこうげい) traditional handicrafts


I started teaching Japanese to technical intern trainees and internship students, and since 2019, online Japanese instructor at JOI.

My main focus is on Business Japanese and JLPT grammar (N1,N2.N3) in particular. I am also available for short-term private lessons to improve your business Japanese skills before joining a company, taking an assignment, or changing jobs on your requested schedule.

I worked for a major machine manufacturer for about 40 years. During that time, I was assigned to various departments such as factories, trading, R&D, sales, general affairs, accounting, and auditing. With these experiences, I believe I can provide you with practical assistance in various situations when you are doing business in Japanese.

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