Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

JOI Support staff and manager.

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Morning-Glory Market

skills for the JLPT tests

By reading this blog, you can learn about a certain Japanese tradition and also practice your listening, reading, and vocabulary skills for the JLPT tests.

Morning-Glory Market




 今週は「朝顔市」を紹介します。 7月の初旬に朝顔という鉢植えの花を、露店で販売するイベントが各地で行われます。

 朝顔は、ツルを伸ばして、周りのものに絡みながら、赤・青・紫・白色などの大きな花をたくさん咲かせる花です。 朝早く5時頃から花を咲かせるので、この名前が付きました。

 朝顔市では職人が育てた素敵な花がたくさん売っていて、家に持って帰ると、2ケ月くらい楽しめます。 暑い夏、縁側などで涼しさを感じる植物として、古くから日本人に親しまれてきました。 また、朝早くから大きくきれいな花を見ると、元気になります。


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 今週(こんしゅう)は「朝顔市(あさがおいち)」を紹介(しょうかい)します。 7月の初旬(しょじゅん)に朝顔という鉢植(はちう)えの花を、露店(ろてん)で販売(はんばい)するイベントが各地(かくち)で行われます。

 朝顔は、ツルを伸(の)ばして、周(まわ)りのものに絡(から)みながら、赤(あか)・青(あお)・紫(むらさき)・白色(しろいろ)などの大きな花をたくさん咲(さ)かせる花です。 朝早(あさはや)く5時頃から花を咲(さ)かせるので、この名前(なまえ)が付きました。

 朝顔市(あさがおいち)では職人(しょくにん)が育(そだ)てた素敵(すてき)な花がたくさん売っていて、家(いえ)に持(も)って帰(かえ)ると、2ケ月(かげつ)くらい楽(たの)しめます。 暑(あつ)い夏(なつ)、縁側(えんがわ)などで涼(すず)しさを感(かん)じる植物(しょくぶつ)として、古(ふる)くから日本人(にほんじん)に親(した)しまれてきました。 また、朝早くから大きくきれいな花を見ると、元気(げんき)になります。


Morning-Glory Market

This week I would like to introduce you to the morning glory markets. At the beginning of July, potted flowers called morning glories or 'asa gao' are sold at stalls in many places.

Morning glories are flowers that grow on vines, twining around things and producing many large red, blue, purple and white flowers. The name 'asa gao' comes from the fact that the flowers bloom early in the morning, around 5am.

At the morning glory market, many beautiful flowers grown by artisans are sold, and if you take them home, you can enjoy them for about two months. Japanese people have long been familiar with morning glories as a plant to cool down on the porch during the hot summer months. Also, seeing the big, beautiful flowers early in the morning cheers you up.

Are there any flowers that move you too?

朝顔市(あさがおいち)morning-glory market

鉢植(はちう)えpotted plant

ツル tendril

露店(ろてん) stand


I started teaching Japanese to technical intern trainees and internship students, and since 2019, online Japanese instructor at JOI.

My main focus is on Business Japanese and JLPT grammar (N1,N2.N3) in particular. I am also available for short-term private lessons to improve your business Japanese skills before joining a company, taking an assignment, or changing jobs on your requested schedule.

I worked for a major machine manufacturer for about 40 years. During that time, I was assigned to various departments such as factories, trading, R&D, sales, general affairs, accounting, and auditing. With these experiences, I believe I can provide you with practical assistance in various situations when you are doing business in Japanese.

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