Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Seasonal change of clothing

Koromo Gae

"Koromo Gae" is a Japanese term that refers to the practice of changing one's clothing according to the seasons. The term itself is derived from the combination of two words: "koromo," which means "clothing" or "garment," and "gae," which means "change" or "replacement."

In this blog,Yamamoto sensei introduces a story about changing clothes.

Seasonal change of clothing




 今週は衣替え を紹介します。


 日本では会社や学校の制服を毎年6月1日に同時に全員夏用に変える習慣があります。 でも、最近、地球温暖化の影響で、早めに変える所もあります。

 寒いか、暑いかは、人によって違うのに、同時に制服を変えるなど、日本らしいですよね。 でも、皆同時に夏服に変わると、気分も急に変わり、これから来る季節に色々と期待を持ちます。


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 今週は衣替(ころもが)え を紹介(しょうかい)します。


 日本では会社や学校の制服(せいふく)を毎年6月1日に同時(どうじ)に全員(ぜんいん)夏用(なつよう)に変える習慣(しゅうかん)があります。 でも、最近(さいきん)、地球温暖化(ちきゅうおんだんか)の影響(えいきょう)で、早めに変える所もあります。

 寒(さむ)いか、暑(あつ)いかは、人によって違(ちが)うのに、同時に制服を変えるなど、日本らしいですよね。 でも、皆(みんな)同時に夏服に変わると、気分(きぶん)も急(きゅう)に変わり、これから来る季節に色々(いろいろ)と期待(きたい)を持ちます。


Seasonal change of clothing

'Koromo Gae': A change of clothes is a change of clothing in accordance with seasonal changes. In Japan, it is customary for all company and school uniforms to change at the same time to summer clothes on 1 June every year. But recently, due to global warming, some places are changing earlier.

It is very typical of Japan to change uniforms at the same time, even though whether it is cold or hot depends on the person. However, when everyone changes to summer clothes at the same time, the mood suddenly changes and people have various expectations for the coming season.

In Japan, where there are four seasons, people have been preparing for the next season and welcoming it since ancient times.

衣替(ころもが)え seasonal change of clothing


I started teaching Japanese to technical intern trainees and internship students, and since 2019, online Japanese instructor at JOI.

My main focus is on Business Japanese and JLPT grammar (N1,N2.N3) in particular. I am also available for short-term private lessons to improve your business Japanese skills before joining a company, taking an assignment, or changing jobs on your requested schedule.

I worked for a major machine manufacturer for about 40 years. During that time, I was assigned to various departments such as factories, trading, R&D, sales, general affairs, accounting, and auditing. With these experiences, I believe I can provide you with practical assistance in various situations when you are doing business in Japanese.

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