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Japanese apricot

Japanese apricot

Yamamoto sensei introduces a plant that blooms at the start of spring and the end of winter in Japan. This plant gives Japanese people hope for the coming warm weather.
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Japanese Apricot Tree





 日本の春の木で有名なのは、皆さんもよく知っている桜です。 梅は桜よりも1ケ月くらい早く咲き、花が同じように紫色の木です。

 花が咲く2月頃はまだ雪が残り、寒いです。 しかし、この花を見ると、「もうすぐ春が来る」という希望を感じさせてくれます。

 また、特に梅の盆栽が、寒さの中、しっかりと花を咲かせているのを見ると、ひきしまった感じがします。 冬に日本を訪れるなら、琵琶湖の長浜盆梅展はおすすめです。

yamayaki nara

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 日本の春(はる)の木(き)で有名(ゆうめい)なのは、皆(みな)さんもよく知っている桜(さくら)です。 梅は桜よりも1ケ月(かげつ)くらい早(はや)く咲(さ)き、花が同(おな)じように紫色(むらさきいろ)の木です。

 花が咲(さ)く2月頃(ころ)はまだ雪(ゆき)が残(のこ)り、寒(さむ)いです。 しかし、この花を見(み)ると、「もうすぐ春(はる)が来る」という希望(きぼう)を感(かん)じさせてくれます。

 また、特(とく)に梅(うめ)の盆栽(ぼんさい)が、寒(さむ)さの中、しっかりと花を咲かせているのを見ると、ひきしまった感じがします。 冬(ふゆ)に日本を訪(おとず)れるなら、琵琶湖(びわこ)の長浜盆梅展(ながはまぼんばいてん)はおすすめです。

Japanese apricot tree

This week I would like to introduce you to the Japanese apricot tree.

The most famous spring tree in Japan is the well-known Sakura cherry tree. The plum tree blooms about a month earlier than the Sakura cherry tree and has purple flowers as well.

Around February, when the flowers bloom, it is still snowy and cold. However, the sight of these flowers gives a sense of hope that spring will soon arrive.

Also, seeing miniature potted plants, especially plum bonsai, blooming in the cold, gives a sense of strength. If you visit Japan in winter, I recommend you to visit the Nagahama Bonbai Exhibition at Lake Biwa.

梅(うめ)Japanese apricot

盆栽(ぼんさい)bonsai,miniature potted plant

盆梅(ぼんばい)bonsai of Japanese apricot tree

おすすめ recommendation 


I started teaching Japanese to technical intern trainees and internship students, and since 2019, online Japanese instructor at JOI.

My main focus is on Business Japanese and JLPT grammar (N1,N2.N3) in particular. I am also available for short-term private lessons to improve your business Japanese skills before joining a company, taking an assignment, or changing jobs on your requested schedule.

I worked for a major machine manufacturer for about 40 years. During that time, I was assigned to various departments such as factories, trading, R&D, sales, general affairs, accounting, and auditing. With these experiences, I believe I can provide you with practical assistance in various situations when you are doing business in Japanese.

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