Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

JOI Support staff and manager.

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Setsubun February third

Setsubun - the last day of winter

Do you know about Japanese Setsubun?

It is one of the favorite traditions of families with small children in Japan.

It is a health-related celebration too!




setsubun 2023



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 今週は節分(せつぶん)を紹介(しょうかい)します。 2月3日は節分です。節分は日本で昔(むかし)使われていた古(ふる)いカレンダーで、1年の最後(さいご)の日です。 この日は悪い出来事(できごと)を家から追(お)い払(はら)い、新しい年を迎(むか)えるために、豆(まめ)をまきます。 この時に、「鬼(おに)は外(そと)、福(ふく)は内(うち)」と叫(さけ)びます。



This week, we will introduce Setsubun. February 3 is Setsubun. Setsubun is the last day of the year on the ancient Japanese lunar calendar. On this day, people scatter beans to drive away bad incidents from their homes and welcome the new year. At this time, people shout "Demons out! Fortune in!

It is also said that if you eat the same number of beans as your age, you will have a good year. This year, too, I would like to eat beans slowly with my wishes in mind.

鬼は外、福は内 Demons out! Fortune in!


I started teaching Japanese to technical intern trainees and internship students, and since 2019, online Japanese instructor at JOI.

My main focus is on Business Japanese and JLPT grammar (N1,N2.N3) in particular. I am also available for short-term private lessons to improve your business Japanese skills before joining a company, taking an assignment, or changing jobs on your requested schedule.

I worked for a major machine manufacturer for about 40 years. During that time, I was assigned to various departments such as factories, trading, R&D, sales, general affairs, accounting, and auditing. With these experiences, I believe I can provide you with practical assistance in various situations when you are doing business in Japanese.

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