Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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I pulled out my wisdom teeth

Dentists in Japan 

There are a very very large number of dentists in Japan. Some people joke that there are more dentists than convenience stores or hair-dressers. Although this is obviously an exaggeration, there are a surprising number of private clinics in most cities in Japan.

The quality of dental care can vary from clinic to clinic and for complicated or invasive surgery, many Japanese people opt to go to large hospitals with a dental department. In this interesting blog by Japanese teacher Rie Kinoi tells her personal experience with having a wisdom tooth pulled in Japan.

Read the blog to learn some new vocabulary and Kanji. Also, listen to the video to hear the blog read out in fluent Japanese. There are some useful phrases that can help with JLPT study too, so if you are preparing for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, then using these blogs to practice your reading skills is a definite plus.

I pulled out my wisdom teeth.









To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. 







I pulled out my wisdom teeth.

The other day, my lower left side back tooth hurt so I went to see the dentist. I was told that the cause was that my wisdom tooth was pushing the tooth in front of it. I was then told that I would have to pull out my wisdom tooth. My wisdom teeth are completely side-ways facing so they are totally buried inside. So I was told that since the teeth's roots are very close to the nerves, and since, if they are removed, there will be some leftover numbness, they would need to cut them out.

The operation took quite a long time. The anesthetic was effective so there was no pain, but after the anesthetic wore off, the pain was so extreme that I had strange sweats and my tears were flowing. Every time I walked, the vibrations from my heels caused the painful area to hurt. I took some painkillers immediately, but they didn't take effect soon. So I continued to battle the pain for an hour.

And this battle occurred again when then painkiller's effect wore off. On the second day, the pain continued and I took painkillers in the morning, afternoon and evening. Day by day the pain began to disappear and I became able to stand it without taking the painkillers, and the swelling in my face drew down, It felt like a wide blue sky appearing after continuous rain.

However, half of my wisdom tooth was still left behind. It will gradually move forward so, when it moves more forward, I was told that we would have to remove it from the root. And the other side's tooth is in the same condition. Which means that I have to undergo 3 more wisdom teeth operations.

It is hard to talk the day after they pull the teeth, so I have to check my lesson schedule and think about it carefully. And I have to make sure to take the painkiller before the pain starts. I was relieved to find that the swelling on my face couldn't be seen well even when I used the online classroom camera. I want to think of various ways to make sure that it doesn't affect my work.

親知(おやし)らず wisdom tooth

歯の根(ね)っこ root of a tooth

神経(しんけい) nerve

麻痺(まひ) paralysis; numbness

切断(せつだん) cutting

~のなんの extremely

振動(しんどう) oscillation

痛(いた)み止(ど)め painkiller

~ということです It means…


Hajimemashite, my name is Rie Kinoi. Do you know Sumo ? I love Sumo. Currently, there are many foreign Sumo wrestlers and they call speak Japanese really well. I often think that I would love to teach people to speak Japanese as naturally as they do.
I also love to travel. And I am fascinated by air, scenery, lifestyle, culture and of course languages of places that I am not familiar with. Japan has a lot of wonderful places to visit too, I'd like to introduce these to you.
Well now, you all must have various reasons and goals to study Japanese. I would like to lend support to you and help you succeed in achieving those goals. In my lessons, I will teach not only in an interesting and fun way, but also guide you to absorb a number of different topics. Lets do well together !< /p>

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