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Osaka Spice Curry

Osaka food

Japan is a great country for people who enjoy a gourmet experience. There are many Japanese people and foreign tourists that travel throughout Japan just to eat the great food of different cities and prefectures in the country.

Japanese online teacher Emi Sakude introduces one gourmet experience that can be found in her hometown of Osaka. But it is not what you would expect.

When people think of Osaka food, they usually think of Takoyaki (Octopus Balls) and Okonomiyaki (Japanese savory pancake). But this blog focuses on a different kind of food altogether.

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Osaka Spice Curry







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Osaka Spice Curry

Did you know that Spice Curry has become a fad in Osaka?

Speaking of curry, it is well-ranked within the favourite foods of Japanese people, from adults to children. When speaking of Osaka, the strong image that most people have is of food made from flour, but there are actually a lot of curry shops, and recently Spice Curry shops have been increasing.

Spice curry is a type of curry that uses a lot of spices, rather like Sri Lankan curry and the like, that has uniquely evolved in Osaka city. It is a single plate of food with salad and pickles as side dishes that is eaten while mixing it with curry. And then Spice Curry is not eaten together with bread or naan bread but is poured over rice. You can get the nutrition from vegetables, as well as intake a lot of spice, so it is so delicious you eat it again and again.

Doing a search for spice curry, I think you'll find that there are a lot of types of curry out there and they differ from shop to shop. If you get the chance to visit Osaka, please try to eat some of this. It is really delicious.

ブーム a boom

といえば speaking of

上位(じょうい) a higher rank

コナモン food made from flour (esp. dishes like okonomiyaki and takoyaki)

ながら while

によって according to

検索(けんさく) a search


Hajimemashite! I am Sakude Emi. I live in Osaka, Japan's second largest city, with my daughters, son and my Brazilian husband. My hobby is cooking, especially dishes from around the world.

My husband and I often talk about how much misunderstanding there is in the world between individuals and between nations. We feel it is these misunderstandings that block smooth human relations. I would like to do what I can to unravel these knots of misunderstanding.

If there is anything you'd like to ask me, even if it's not connected to learning Japanese, please feel free. Let's do our best together. Ganbarou

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