Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka
JOI Support staff and manager.
Sapporo autumn festival

Hokkaido cuisine and food
In Japan there are many places well know for their food, but the most popular one is probably Hokkaido.
Hokkaido is famous for its fresh fish and dairy products. And in each local area, there are other special farming products and specialty cuisines.
In this fascinating blog by a Japanese language teacher, Sayuri Itaya sensei explains one of the highlights of the Hokkaido food calendar; the Sapporo autumn festival.
Read the blog in Japanese, and learn some new Kanji by reading it with the furigana reading. If you are studying for the JLPT (Japanese language proficiency test), then this blog features some useful vocabulary too.
Itaya sensei reads this blog herself, so listen to her fluent Japanese language and enjoy the photographs that Itaya sensei took herself at the event.
食のイベント: さっぽろオータムフェスト
A food event: Sapporo autumn festival
By ITAYA Sayuri
私が住んでいる北海道は、短い夏が終わり、涼しくて過ごしやすい秋になりました。 そして、9月6日から待ちに待った食のイベント、「さっぽろオータムフェスト」が始まりました。これは2008年から毎年秋に、札幌の大通公園で行われていて、大変人気があります。
―この写真は 「プリン」、「ビーフシチュー」、「牛肉巻きおにぎり」とビールです。―
旅行しなくても地方の料理をいろいろ味わうことができて、楽しいです。 皆さんもぜひ、ここ札幌で収穫の秋、食欲の秋を楽しんでみてください。
To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.
食(しょく)のイベント: さっぽろオータムフェスト
私(わたし)が住(す)んでいる北海道(ほっかいどう)は、短(みじか)い夏(なつ)が終(お)わり、涼(すず)しくて過(す)ごしやすい秋(あき)になりました。 そして、9月(がつ)6日(むいか)から待(ま)ちに待(ま)った食のイベント、「さっぽろオータムフェスト」が始(はじ)まりました。これは2008年(ねん)から毎年(まいとし)秋(あき)に、札幌(さっぽろ)の大通公園(おおどおりこうえん)で行(おこな)われていて、大変(たいへん)人気(にんき)があります。
―この写真(しゃしん)は 「プリン」、「ビーフシチュー」、「牛肉(ぎゅうにく)巻(ま)きおにぎり」とビールです。―
(この写真(しゃしん)はビールと「かに」です。) 旅行(りょこう)しなくても地方の料理をいろいろ味わうことができて、楽(たの)しいです。 皆(みな)さんもぜひ、ここ札幌で収穫(しゅうかく)の秋(あき)、食欲(しょくよく)の秋を楽しんでみてください。
A food event: Sapporo autumn festival
In the place where I live, Hokkaido, the short summer is now over and the cool and comfortable autumn season has begun. And from September 6th, the long-awaited food event, the Sapporo autumn festival has started. This event has been held every autumn since 2008 in Sapporo's Oodouri park and it is terribly popular.
Hokkaido is abundant with nature, and is famous for delicious agricultural produce and marine products and the delicious foods from the various places around Hokkaido are gathered here in Sapporo. And it's not only the Sapporo residents, but also tourists from all over Japan and all over the world come to this place and can freely taste the wares.
In this picture, you can see some custard pudding, beef stew, some beef wrapped rice balls, and some beer.
The main venue, Oodouri Park is in 1 chome [chome = a zoning method of dividing neighborhoods in Japan] but the event is divided into neighborhoods from 4 chome to 11 chome and at each venue, the food and drinks differ depending on the areas. For example in the 5 chome area there is a Ramen noodle festival held, and in the 7 chome area there are shops selling food that goes well with wine and cocktails, 8 chome features cuisine made from ingredients from various local areas, and so on, so you can really enjoy a variety of delicious things. And another specialty is that you can enjoy it all outside. And if by chance the weather is bad, there are tents provided so there is no need to worry.
I always go to this event with my family every year.
This photo shows beer and crab meat.
It is really fun to enjoy the food from various local areas without having to travel anywhere. If you happen to travel to Sapporo, come and enjoy the autumn harvest season and season of good appetite.
待ちに待った【まちにまった】 long-awaited; eagerly awaited
行われる 【おこなわれる】 to take place ; to be held
豊か 【ゆたか】 abundant; wealthy; plentiful; rich; affluent
農産物 【のうさんぶつ】 agricultural produce
水産物 【すいさんぶつ】 marine products
各地(かくち): every place; various places
のみならず not only ... (but also)
訪れる 【おとずれる】 to visit; to call on;
観光客 【かんこうきゃく】 tourist
存分に 【ぞんぶんに】 freely; to one's heart's content
味わう 【あじわう】 (1) to taste; to savor; to relish; (2) to appreciate; to enjoy
各 【かく】 each; every
~によって異(こと)なる to differ depending on ...
地方 【ちほう】 district; region; area; locality
特産品 【とくさんひん】 local specialty; special product (of a region)
堪能 【たんのう】 enjoying; satisfaction; satiation
格別 【かくべつ】 particular; special; exceptional
収穫 【しゅうかく】 harvest; crop; ingathering
食欲の秋 【しょくよくのあき】 season of good appetite
Hajimemashite, everyone. My name is Itaya Sayuri. I live in Sapporo, Hokkaido.
Sapporo is a really liveable city because, although we have a lot of snow in the winter, the summers are much cooler than other areas of Japan. Apart from teaching Japanese, I also hope to let everyone know about Sapporo, its beautiful nature and delicious food.
I play volleyball once or twice a week for my health and play golf on occasion. I also love watching movies.
Do you think the Japanese language is difficult? Well, come and enjoy studying with me in our online Japanese classroom?don't worry about making mistakes and just try to speak up as much as possible. I think this is the secret to success in Japanese. Ganbare!