Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka
JOI Support staff and manager.
Family camping

Camping in Japan
During the spring, summer and autumn months, there are many places to go camping in Japan. It is a popular activity especially for families with young children. With the summer vacations just around the corner, many of the more well-known sites fill up quickly, so early reservations are recommended.
There are many campsites listed on the Japan National Tourism Organization website and there are many national parks that offer camping facilities all over the country.
Most of the campsites have extensive facilities and this is what Japanese teacher, Miyoko Koumoto experienced on her family camping trip.
You can listen to Koumoto sensei reading the blog in natural Japanese in the video. And you can learn some new Japanese vocabulary and phrases from this Japanese learner's blog.
Family camping
キャンプなのにあまりに快適過ぎて、最初はこれでキャンプと言えるのかと思ったこともありますが、子どもがいても安心だし、準備も楽なので、今はすっかりこの快適さに慣れてしまいました。 さらに最近では、手ぶらで豪華なキャンプができるグランピングと言うのも日本で流行りつつあるようです。 皆さんもぜひ、機会があれば日本のキャンプを楽しんでみてください。
To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.
キャンプなのにあまりに快適過(かいてきす)ぎて、最初(さいしょ)はこれでキャンプと言えるのかと思(おも)ったこともありますが、子(こ)どもがいても安心(あんしん)だし、準備(じゅんび)も楽(らく)なので、今(いま)はすっかりこの快適(かいてき)さに慣(な)れてしまいました。 さらに最近(さいきん)では、手(て)ぶらで豪華(ごうか)なキャンプができるグランピングというのも日本(にほん)で流行(はや)りつつあるようです。 皆(みな)さんもぜひ、機会(きかい)があれば日本(にほん)のキャンプを楽(たの)しんでみてください。
Family camping
The other day, we used the 10 day Golden Week holiday to go camping as a family. When you think about camping, what kind of place do you imagine?
At first, I had an image of an inconvenient place deep in some unpopular mountains with no toilets or showers, but it was actually very different.
The campsite that we often go to is a family-friendly site with separated spaces rather like small gardens in which colorful tents are pitched up and crammed in. Each space has its own electricity and water provided and there are toilets and showers nearby. If you lack anything, you can rent it at the reception and there is a small shop there too. If you make a reservation, they can prepare all the ingredients for a barbecue for you too. Inside the site, there is a space for children to play and a lake where you can go fishing and it is bustling with children.
Even though it is camping, it is too comfortable so much so that recently I think, 'is this what you call camping?' But it's safe even with children, and preparations are easy, so now I have completely grown accustomed to this level of comfort. Furthermore, recently there are luxurious campsites where you can go empty-handed, called Granping, which is becoming popular in Japan. If you get a chance, try to enjoy some Japanese style camping.
利用する(りようする) use
人気のない(ひとけのない)not popular, lonely
食料(しょくりょう) food
家族向け(かぞくむけ)for the family
所狭しと(ところせましと)crowded; packed; crammed; cramped
備え付ける(そなえつける)to provide; to furnish; to equip; to install
場内(じょうない)the inside of the place
賑わう(にぎわう)to be crowded with people; to be bustling with
~つつある to be doing, to be in the process of doing, be moving
Hello everyone. My name is Miyoko Koumoto. I was born in Himeji city in Hyogo prefecture. I am married now and live in Toyooka city in Hyogo prefecture.
I really love teaching Japanese. It makes me really happy to see all my students' Japanese improve. It's difficult to study a foreign language right? But it is also very interesting. When you study a language, you also learn a lot about that country. And then you start to discover more about your own country. I have also studied various languages too.
Please tell me different things about your countries in the classes. I am looking forward to meeting you in class.