Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Settaya Koen park

Japanese traditional fermentation

Traditional Japanese food and drink culture is considered one of the healthiest in the world, and the process of fermentation has a heavy influence on this from sake to soy sauce.

These processes, although they have some overlap, are very individual crafts that create tastes and flavours that are distinct to each area and each maker.

The history of these processes is being preserved in Fujinawa sensei's neighbourhood. She introduces some of the interesting ways that Japanese towns and cities are working to preserve their history and their traditions.

Please watch and listen to the video to see the images that she introduces. You can learn Japanese for free from this weekly blog written by professional Japanese teachers.

Settaya Koen park



 私の家から歩いて5分くらいのところにある摂田屋公園について紹介します。(写真1)  この公園にはおもしろいものがあります。写真2を見てください。これは何だと思いますか?

settaya park



settaya park 2


To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.


 私(わたし)の家(いえ)から歩(ある)いて5分くらいのところにある摂田屋公園(せったやこうえん)について紹介(しょうかい)します。(写真(しゃしん)1)  この公園(こうえん)には、おもしろいものがあります。写真(しゃしん)2を見(み)てください。これは何(なん)だと思(おも)いますか?




Settaya Koen park

I am going to introduce a place that is a 5 minute walk from my house, called Settaya Koen park. (photo 1). This park has an interesting thing about it. Look at photo 2. What do you think this is?

The correct answer is that it is a toilet. This toilet is made in the shape of a sake barrel or 'Sakadaru'. Why a sake barrel you may ask, it is because this area has been famous for sake, soy sauce and miso since the Edo period and even to this day there are some sake breweries, soy sauce makers etc, that continue on the tradition. A few years ago, Nagaoka city made some developments to the atmosphere of this town to match this history.

It is not just the park toilets, they have made rest areas for sightseers walking around the town (photo 3) and there are also many guide boards put up (photo 4).

Every year, in spring and autumn there are events where you can tour the storehouses and architectural structures. If you are interested in this type of thing, come out and have a look.

おもしろいもの:(something) interesting

正解(せいかい):correct answer; correct solution

酒樽(さかだる):a (sake) cask [barrel]



江戸時代(えどじだい):Edo period(1603~1868 CE)

江戸時代(えどじだい)から続く(つづく):continuing since the Edo period


造り酒屋(つくりざかや):sake brewery


守り続ける(まもりつづける):continue to preserve

雰囲気(ふんいき):atmosphere; ambience

数年前(すうねんまえ):a few years ago

長岡市(ながおかし):Nagaoka City


観光(かんこう): sightseeing

まちあるき: tour around

休憩所(きゅうけいじょ):a resting place

案内板(あんないばん):guide board

蔵(くら):a storehouse

工場見学(こうじょうけんがく):factory tour


Hello My name is Miyako Fujinawa.
I live in Nagaoka city in Niigata prefecture, which is famous for having "the best fireworks in Japan".
Through the process of teaching Japanese, I can get to meet various people from different countries, and find out some cultural differences and I find this very interesting. And since I don't get to travel often, one of the things that I look forward to is listening to everyone's stories and find myself feeling as though I have taken a trip to various places. I look forward to meeting you.

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