Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka
JOI Support staff and manager.
Japanese strawberries

Japanese fruits
In Japan there are a wide variety of fruits available to eat and enjoy Some of these have been introduced from abroad, but many people do tend to remark on how different some Japanese versions of the fruits they eat daily back at home taste.
The farming techniques are very advanced, well-researched and meticulously implemented with many fruits harvested and packaged in just one single action.
In this blog for Japanese learners, Japanese teacher Akari Ueno introduces a very interesting observation of the quality of some Japanese fruits.
Read the blog and listen to Ueno sensei reading out the blog in the video. Learn some new vocabulary and phrases too!
Japanese strawberries
By UENO Akari
その時は正直、大げさだな、と思いました。 でも、その後、私が日本で普通に食べている苺は、日本の農家の方たちが品種改良を重ねに重ね、その結果、今のようにジューシーで糖度が高い苺になったということを知りました。確かに、私が子どもの頃食べた苺は、もっと酸味が強かった気がします。 そして、日本の苺の品質は、世界でもトップクラスだということも知りました。
To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.
「日本の苺(いちご)は最高(さいこう)です、日本の苺(いちご)に勝(まさ)るものはありません!」 もうすく、という人は、次(つぎ)のように言(い)いました。
その時(とき)は正直(しょうじき)、大(おお)げさだな、と思(おも)いました。 でも、その後(ご)、私(わたし)が日本で普通(ふつう)に食(た)べている苺(いちご)は、日本の農家(のうか)の方(かた)たちが品種改良(ひんしゅかいりょう)を重(かさ)ねに重(かさ)ね、その結果(けっか)、今(いま)のようにジューシーで糖度(とうど)が高(たか)い苺(いちご)になったということを知(し)りました。確(たし)かに、私(わたし)が子どもの頃(ころ)食(た)べた苺(いちご)は、もっと酸味(さんみ)が強(つよ)かった気(き)がします。 そして、日本の苺(いちご)の品質(ひんしつ)は、世界(せかい)でもトップクラスだということも知(し)りました。
Japanese strawberries
Have you ever eaten Japanese strawberries?
Before, when I lived abroad, some thoughts were stressed to me in this way: “Japanese strawberries are great, there's nothing like Japanese strawberries.” Someone who was about to go to Japan, told me this. “If I could, I would love to fill my suitcase full up with strawberries and bring them home!”
At the time I thought that it was a bit of an exaggeration. But after that, I found that Japanese strawberries have been bred to improve over and over, time and time again by farmers and the results have become the juicy and high sugar content strawberries that I eat ordinarily in Japan.
Certainly, it seems that the strawberries that I ate when in my childhood were more acidic if my memory serves me right. And I also found out that Japanese strawberries were regarded as top class quality even around the world.
The season for Japanese strawberries is from December to May. During this period, not only can you find strawberries lined on the shelves in greengrocers and supermarkets, but you can also enjoy strawberry picking in different locations around Japan. And joining the fray, you can also find one hotel offering a special dessert buffet of desserts made from the strawberries. This dessert buffet is very 'Instagrammable', making it really popular with young ladies. The strawberry season is almost finishing. I think that I would like to humbly enjoy them when I can.
◆苺(いちご): strawberry
◆力説(りきせつ)[する]: emphasize; stress
◆~に勝(まさ)るものはない: there's nothing like~
◆大(おお)げさだ: exaggerated
◆品種改良(ひんしゅかいりょう): breed improvement
◆糖度(とうど): sugar content
◆酸味(さんみ): acid taste
◆品質(ひんしつ): quality
◆~狩(が)り: ~picking
◆ビュッフェ: all-you-can-eat; buffet
◆しのぎを削(けず)る: compete fiercely; go head to head
◆インスタ映(ば)えする: Instagrammable
Hajimemashite everyone ! My name is Akari Ueno.
I live in Tokyo with my husband and daughter. I have had the experience of living in Hokkaido, Yokohama and Singapore.
I studied History in university, so I love touring around historical ruins. When I was younger, I went to see the Great Pyramids and Borobudur in Indonesia, but now I merely tour around the neighborhood parks with my daughter. I dream of touring around the world's famous ruins with my daughter one day.
When I study languages, one English phrase always comes to mind, "Use it, or lose it". I used to be scared of making mistakes, so even when I learned new vocabulary, I didn't use it. But after learning this English phrase from a friend, I started to use the vocabulary and terms I'd learned without fear of making mistakes.
Try to use your newly learned vocabulary and phrases all the time in the lessons. Looking forward to meeting you all in class !