Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka
JOI Support staff and manager.
A traditional ballad about senility

Aging of Japan's population
Japan is experiencing a “super-aging” society with one of the highest proportion of elderly citizens in the world.
All over the country, you can find services and health advice for the elderly. There are also many old people's homes and day-care centers for the retired citizens.
The employment of aging people has been on the increase and one of the topics that is often heard in the media is how to avoid getting senile.
In this blog for Japanese learners, Takase sensei introduces a really funny song that has a lot of lessons not only for the old but for the young too.
Read this blog and learn some new Japanese vocabulary. You can also listen to the Japanese on the video.
ボケます小唄 ボケない小唄
A traditional ballad about senility
By TAKASE Chiharu
昨日、接骨院にいったときにとてもおもしろいものを見つけました。壁に貼ってあった歌の歌詞なのですが、みなさまに紹介しますね。 ボケます小唄、ボケない小唄という歌です。
1.何もしないで ぼんやりと
テレビばかりを 見ていると
のんきなようでも 歳をとり
いつか知らずに ボケますよ
2.仲間がいないで 一人だけ
なにもすること ない人は
夢も希望も 逃げてゆき
歳をとらずに ボケますよ
3.酒も 旅行も 嫌いです
恋も 踊りも 大嫌い
お金とストレス 貯める人
人の三倍 ボケますよ
1.風邪もひかずに 転ばずに
笑い忘れず よくしゃべり
頭と足腰 使うひと
元気ある人 ボケません
2.スポーツ カラオケ 囲碁俳句
趣味のある人 味もある
異性に関心 持ちながら
色気ある人 ボケません
3.歳をとっても 白髪でも
頭 禿げても まだ若い
老いを 楽しむ 人生を
生きがい持つ人 ボケません
To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.
ボケます小唄(こうた) ボケない小唄(こうた)
昨日(きのう)、 接骨院(せっこついん)にいったときにとてもおもしろいものを見(み)つけました。壁(かべ)に貼(は)ってあった歌(うた)の歌詞(かし)なのですが、みなさまに紹介(しょうかい)しますね。 ボケます小唄(こうた)、ボケない小唄(こうた)という歌(うた)です。
1.何(なん)もしないで ぼんやりと
テレビばかりを 見(み)ていると
のんきなようでも 歳(とし)をとり
いつか知(し)らずに ボケますよ
2.仲間(なかま)がいないで 一人(ひとり)だけ
なにもすること ない人(ひと)は
夢(ゆめ)も希望(きぼう)も 逃(に)げてゆき
歳(とし)をとらずに ボケますよ
3.酒(さけ)も 旅行(りょこう)も 嫌(きら)いです
恋(こい)も 踊(おど)りも 大嫌(だいきら)い
お金(かね)とストレス 貯(た)める人(ひと)
人(ひと)の三倍(さんばい) ボケますよ
1.風邪(かぜ)もひかずに 転(ころ)ばずに
笑(わら)い忘(わす)れず よくしゃべり
頭(あたま)と足腰(あしこし) 使(つか)うひと
元気(げんき)ある人(ひと) ボケません
2.スポーツ カラオケ 囲碁(いご)俳句(はいく)
趣味(しゅみ)のある人(ひと) 味(あじ)もある
異性(いせい)に関心(かんしん) 持(も)ちながら
色気(いろけ)ある人(ひと) ボケません
3.歳(とし)をとっても 白髪(しらが)でも
頭(あたま) 禿(は)げても まだ若(わか)い
老(お)いを 楽(たの)しむ 人生(じんせい)を
生(い)きがい持(も)つ人(ひと) ボケません
A traditional ballad about senility
Yesterday I went to an orthopedic clinic and found something very interesting. There was a poster of some song lyrics hanging on the wall and I'd like to introduce these to you.
A traditional ballad about how to get senile and a traditional ballad about how to avoid getting senile.
1. People who do nothing and just spend all their time watching TV,
might seem carefree but without realizing,
they will age and grow senile.
2. People who do nothing and spend time on their own without friends,
their hopes and dreams will get away from them and they will grow senile even without aging.
3. People who dislike drinking and traveling,
and hate dancing and romance,
and save up your money and build up stress, you will grow senile 3 faster than others.
A traditional ballad about how to avoid getting senile (3 verses)
1. People who don't catch colds and don't fall ill,
don't forget to laugh and be talkative,
and use their heads and legs will be energetic and won't get senile.
2. People who play sports, sing karaoke, play Goh or write Haikus,
and hold your interest in the opposite sex,
these sexy people will not get senile.
3. People who age and grow white hair and get bald but still feel young,
and enjoy the process of aging will have something to live for and will not get senile.
What do you think of this? I am still young, but I want to take this as a lesson on how to enjoy life 30 years on from now.
接骨院(せっこついん)bonesetter's clinic; orthopedic clinic
ボケる to grow senile; to be childish with age
小唄(こうた) kouta; traditional ballad accompanied by shamisen
のんき happy-go-lucky; easygoing
足腰(あしこし) legs and loins
禿(は)げる to lose hair; to become bald
Konnichi-wa, everybody. Hajimemashite. My name is Chiharu Takase.
I was born in the spring, that's why my parents decided to include the the Kanji for spring (haru) in my name. My hometown is in Yamaguchi prefecture on the western coast of Honshu, but now I live in Kyoto, one of Japan's early capital cities. I'm married with one son, and my hobby is the Japanese tea ceremony.
Learning a new language, including Japanese, can be tough at first, but once you start comprehending the patterns and rhythm, you'll find that there is nothing more interesting. Do what you can, when you can, and enjoy the challenge. I'm really looking forward to meeting you in our online Japanese classroom. Let's spend an enjoyable 50 minutes together. Dozo yoroshiku onegai-shimasu.