Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka
JOI Support staff and manager.
How to spend a ten day holiday

Golden Week
Golden Week is a period of the year around the end of April and beginning of May when many Japanese workers roughly 6 to 8 days off around in the year. It comes about because of a group of holidays that coincidentally fell close to each other.
There are 4 National holidays at this time, Green or Greenery Day, the Emperor Showa's birthday, Constitution Day and Children's day. This year in 2019, with the succession of the new Emperor on May 1st, the holiday period was expanded and many people can enjoy a 10 day holiday from work.
In this Japanese learner's blog, Japanese teacher Sachiko Someya writes about how her family is spending the holiday break.
Read her blog and listen to fluent Japanese in the YouTube video. Learn some useful Japanese vocabulary as well.
How to spend a ten day holiday
By SOMEYA Sachiko
甘くていい香りがするお菓子を切ったりこねたりして、お寿司と天使を作りました。 あまったキャンディーもたくさん食べて大満足。こちらも参加費は500円。
To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.
甘(あま)くていい香(かお)りがするお菓子(おかし)を切(き)ったりこねたりして、お寿司(おすし)と天使(てんし)を作(つく)りました。 あまったキャンディーもたくさん食(たべ)て大満足(だいまんぞく)。こちらも参加費(さんかひ)は500円(えん)。
How to spend a ten day holiday
This year's Golden Week has 10 consecutive vacation days. Many people are going traveling or going out to holiday resorts. In my house, we have decided to spend the break relaxing at home. We went shopping at a shopping center in our neighborhood and found there were many events being held during the Golden Week period. From those events, we took part in two of them.
Nail salon for children This seemed like a plan that would be popular with girls, but whether it was due to the fact that everyone was on trips somewhere, when we got there, there was no one lining up for this, so we could join in straight away. For 500 yen you get your nails painted whatever color you wished. My daughter and I were completely satisfied.
Making art and crafts using soft candy which is a sweet popular with children We cut up and kneaded some of the sweet and nice smelling candy and made sushi and angel crafts. We ate a lot of the left-over candy and were very satisfied. The price to join this was also 500 yen.
It is a good idea to cheaply enjoy a long holiday in and around the neighborhood, isn't it.
連休(れんきゅう)consecutive holidays
行楽地 holiday resort
のんびり relax
開催 hold
大満足 completely satisfied
天使 angel
近所 neighborhood
Konnichiwa, My name is Sachiko Someya. I live in Yokohama city in Kanagawa prefecture. Yokohama is an attractive city with a lot of tourist destinations. If you ever get the chance, please come and visit. Learning a new language can bring you a lot pleasure but can also be difficult. I would like to help you to enjoy learning Japanese. Let's try hard together ! I'm looking forward to meeting up with you online.