Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Japanese songs

b2ap3_thumbnail_japanese-songs-blog.pngJapanese pop and Karaoke music.

Karaoke was a huge phenomenon in Japan during the Heisei era especially for Japanese pop music culture. Many young people would use the 'Karaoke boxes' as their primary entertainment spot and older business people would find a method of stress release by singing their favorite oldies.

There are many songs from the Heisei era that strike a nostalgic chord among Japanese people. If you would like to learn Japanese effectively and also wow your Japanese friends, there is almost no better way than to memorize the melody and lyrics of a popular song and singing it at your next Karaoke party with friends.

In this language learning blog, Japanese teacher Noriko Yokozuka introduces some very good choices for songs to practice and learn. Read through this blog and listen to the video to learn Japanese pronunciation.

Japanese songs










1 残酷な天使のテーゼ 高橋洋子
2 ハナミズキ   一青窈
3 小さな恋のうた   MONGOL800
4 チェリー      スピッツ
5 キセキ      GReeeeN
7 サウダージ   ポルノグラフィティ
9 アゲハ蝶     ポルノグラフィティ
10 I LOVE YOU   尾崎豊

To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.






  この他(ほか)にも、人気(にんき)の曲や昔(むかし)から歌(うた)い継(つ)がれている曲、マイナーな曲など、たくさんの曲があります。興味(きょうみ)のある人は、レッスンの時(とき)にJOIの先生(せんせい)に聞いてみるのもいいと思います。  皆さんが好きな日本語の歌が見つかればいいなと、思います。

1 残酷(ざんこく)な天使(てんし)のテーゼ 高橋洋子(たかはしようこ)
2 ハナミズキ               一青窈(ひととよう)
3 小(ちい)さな恋(こい)のうた     MONGOL800
4 チェリー                 スピッツ
5 キセキ                 GReeeeN
6 未来予想図(みらいよそうず)II   DREAMS COME TRUE
7 サウダージ            ポルノグラフィティ
8 天体観測(てんたいかんそく)   BUMP OF CHICKEN
9 アゲハ蝶(ちょう)          ポルノグラフィティ
10 I LOVE YOU             尾崎豊(おざきゆたか)

From Heisei to Reiwa, another era has changed.

Before May 1st when the new era begins, there have been various summaries of the Heisei era in a number of fields in Japan. From politics to economics and even down to the individual you can see on the Internet and in the media questions like “What was the Heisei era like?” “Express the Hesei era in a word” as well “Heisei summaries” being asked and given here and there.

For me the Heisei era went along the exact timeline of my youth period. There were many trends during this time. For example, Karaoke was one of these things: I remember going to Karaoke with my friends on the way back from school and on holidays. In this time's blog I want to introduce some Japanese songs this 'Heisei Karaoke' trend.

In some Karaoke machine models, some makers show a ranking of the most sang tunes of the Heisei era. I will introduce the top ten here, and if you are interested in any of them, please listen to them. There is clear evidence that there are times when songs are really effective in learning foreign languages. How about learning a Japanese song as a companion to your Japanese learning methods?

There are other songs that are continuing to still be sung, and there are minor songs too – there are lots of songs. If you are interested, I think you could try asking your teacher during the lessons.

I hope you can find a song you like.

1. A Cruel Angel's Thesis by Yoko Takahashi
2. Hanamizuki by Hitoto Yō
3. Chiisa na Koi no Uta by MONGOL800
4. Cherry by Spitz
5. Kiseki by GReeeeN
6. Mirai Yosouzu II/Map of the Future II by Dreams Come True
7. Saudade by Porno Graffitti
8. Tentaikansoku/Stargazing by Bump of Chicken
9. Swallowtail Butterfly by Pornograffitti
10. I LOVE YOU by Yutaka Ozaki

幕開(まくあ)け beginning (e.g. of an era); opening (festival, event, etc.)

総括(そうかつ) generalization; summary

~に至(いた)るまで even

まさに just; exactly.

青春時代(せいしゅんじだい) youth

~たものだ I used to, I remember

機種(きしゅ) model; unit type

楽曲(がっきょく) musical piece

発揮(はっき)する show

お供(とも) companion

歌(うた)い継(つ)ぐ sing on

マイナー minor


Konnichi-wa, everybody. I am originally from Ringo-no-ri in Aomori prefecture, but I am now living in Kakaa-tenka in Gunma prefecture. I've lived in several other of Japan's prefectures as well, including Niigata (which has gorgeous sunsets), Tochigi (where the Nikko Toshogu shrine is located), and Gifu (land of the famous Shirakawa-go area of historic rafter roofed houses).

I myself am studying Chinese, so I can really relate to the difficulty of learning a foreign language. But still, if we can get past that step and feel the excitement of having just a single word understood, the feeling of satisfaction that comes from communication is, no pun intended, beyond words. I'd like to invite everyone who visits our online Japanese school with the thought "I want to speak Japanese!" to join my classes. Until the day when you can say confidently, "I did it, I learned how to speak Japanese!", I promise to do my best to help you in your Japanese language studies.

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