Learn Japanese Online - JOI Teachers blog

Learn Japanese vocabulary, Kanji and phrases with this free blog with a YouTube video for audio learning, vocabulary lists and English Translation !
Every week, a professional Japanese teacher posts a new blog .

Previous blog archives from 2006 - mid-February 2014.

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Japanese language

The Japanese language or Nihongo, is a complex language with 3 writing methods (hiragana, katakana and kanji) as well as idioms, proverbs, and local dialects, and linguistic idiocynracies. The Japanese teacher blogs in this blog category goes into some of these aspects in detail.

Japanese proverbs There are many proverbs (or Kotowaza or Kanyoku) in the Japanese language. Some are based on 4 character Kanji, and some are idiomatic phrases. They are an interesting area of Japanese vocabulary and grammar learning. Many Japanese manga and literature make use of these phrases and there is a certain art to quoting pertinent proverbs to illustrate a point in a conversation. If ...
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Japanese new words In many languages including English, there is a growing number of words as modern vocabulary increases. Technology and trends change, and create an addition to the jargon used in every day speech. In Japanese too, there are always new words added to the vocabulary. Some are imported into the language and use the Katakana alphabet to write them. Some are new uses of old words t...
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Tagged in: Japanese language

Advanced level Japanese The Japanese-Language Proficiency Test or JLPT, is an internationally recognized test to evaluate Japanese language ability for non-native speakers, covering language knowledge, reading ability, and listening ability. The highest level of the test is the JLPT N1 level. This test level's curriculum is covered at JOI online school in the Advanced level classes. There are c...
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Japanese Onomatopoeia The Japanese language features a large amount of onomatopoeia. There are words that express the sound of animals and people which are called Giseigo. There are words that describe other sounds like the sound of footsteps on dry leaves which are called Giongo. There are also Mimetic words that describe feelings and way in which something is done. These are called Gitaigo. H...
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七転び八起き Seven falls, eight rises (Pick yourself up, dust yourself off start all over again) By CHIBA Sakie     皆さんの国の言葉には『ことわざ』がたくさんありますか。日本語にはことわざがたくさんあり、新聞やニュースはもちろん、日常会話でもよく使われています。仕事の面接で「座右の銘は何ですか。」と聞かれることもよくありますが、その場合はたいていことわざや四字熟語を使って答えます。  私が一番好きなことわざは『七転び八起き』です。七転び八起きとは七回転んでも八回起き上がるという意味です。つまり、何度失敗しても、諦めずに立ち上がるということです。私の人生は失敗だらけですが、失敗を失敗のままにしておいたことはありません。必ずもう一度挑戦して、成功する...
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