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Delicious onomatopoeia

Japanese Onomatopoeia

The Japanese language features a large amount of onomatopoeia. There are words that express the sound of animals and people which are called Giseigo. There are words that describe other sounds like the sound of footsteps on dry leaves which are called Giongo.

There are also Mimetic words that describe feelings and way in which something is done. These are called Gitaigo.

Here in this blog, Igarashi sensei, a professional Japanese teacher at JOI, explains some of the most popular onomatopoeia used in describing food. Read this fun blog to learn Japanese for free.

Delicious onomatopoeia



baked potato

オノマトペとは、ものの様子や音を表したことばです。 食べ物のおいしさをイメージさせるオノマトペの人気ランキングを新聞が調べました。




他にも、『もちもち』、『ほかほか』、『じゅわー』など、たくさんの食感を表す言葉があります。 スーパーなどで日本の食品を見かけたら、オノマトペが書かれていないかチェックしてみてくださいね。

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オノマトペとは、ものの様子(ようす)や音(おと)を表(あらわ)したことばです。 食(た)べ物(もの)のおいしさをイメージさせるオノマトペの人気(にんき)ランキングを新聞(しんぶん)が調(しら)べました。




他(ほか)にも、『もちもち』、『ほかほか』、『じゅわー』など、たくさんの食感(しょっかん)を表(あらわ)す言葉(ことば)があります。 スーパーなどで日本(にほん)の食品(しょくひん)を見(み)かけたら、オノマトペが書(か)かれていないかチェックしてみてくださいね。

Delicious onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia (or onomatope in Japanese katakana) are words which express the condition or sound of something.

One newspaper did a study into and ranked the most popular onomatopoeia used to express how delicious certain foods are.

The top ranked word was “Hoku Hoku”. This expresses the condition of just cooked potatoes, without any excess water , smoking hot and delicious. I love potatoes ( Jagaimo in Japanese ) and just hearing the sound of the words “Hoku Hoku Jagaimo”, I can't keep still with the anticipation.

The second most popular onomatopoeia was “Kongari”. This expresses the color of just grilled fish or freshly toasted bread. You can just imagine the aromatic scent can't you ?

The third most popular onomatopoeia was “Saku Saku”. This expresses the sound and texture that you get when you bite into a cookie or some tempura. It means a texture that is just right, not to hard and not too soft, so it is often written on the package of sweets.

There are many other onomatopoeia that describe food texture like, “Mochi Mochi” or “Hoka Hoka” and “Juwaa”. When you go to a supermarket or when you next see some Japanese food, please check to see if there are some onomatopoeia are written on the foods there.

オノマトペ onomatopoeia

調理(ちょうり) cooking

余分(よぶん)な extra; superfluous

居(い)ても立(た)ってもいられない unable to contain oneself; cannot sit still

香(こう)ばしい pleasant‐[nice‐]smelling

食感(しょっかん) food texture; mouthfeel


Hajimemashite, everyone . My name is Maki Igarashi.
Although I'm originally from Hokkaido, I live in Hiroshima because of my husband's work transfer. Hokkaido is the northernmost island of Japan. Winter is very cold and snowy, but Hokkaido's natural scenery is very beautiful, and we have a lot of delicious food. Here in Hiroshima, on Miya-jima Island, you can see Itsukushima Shrine, a world cultural heritage site. If you come to Japan, please visit these great places.

I'd like to see you smile at least once in every class. The lessons will be, well, fun! Prepare well, and review well! :o)
Don't get caught up thinking Japanese is a difficult language, enjoy studying and learning !

Try to use your newly learned vocabulary and phrases all the time in the lessons. Looking forward to meeting you all in class !

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