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Seven falls, eight rises !

七転び八起き Seven falls, eight rises

(Pick yourself up, dust yourself off start all over again)

By CHIBA Sakie







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★Kanji with hiragana










★English Translation


“Seven falls, eight rises (Pick yourself up, dust yourself off start all over again)”

Are there a lot of “proverbs” in your language? Japanese language has many proverbs, and they are used in not only newspapers or news but also in daily conversation. It is common to be asked “What is your motto?” in a job interview, in that case you usually answer to it using proverbs or four-character idiomatic compounds.

My favorite proverb is “Seven falls, eight rises.” Seven falls, eight rises means that even if you tumble down seven times, you pick yourself up eight times. My life is full of failures, but I have never left them as failures. I definitely give it a try again and make efforts till I achieve it. That is exactly the spirit of “Seven falls, eight rises.” 
In Japanese, there are more proverbs related to efforts. For instance, “Three years on a stone (Perseverance prevails)”and “Constant dripping making a hole on a stone” are some of them. “Three years on a stone” means as three years on a cold stone will make the stone warm, it is important to be persevere in anything. That is to say, even if it is harsh for you, you will succeed someday if you maintain your endurance.

Likewise, constant dripping making a hole on a stone means that as even weak power like raindrops can make a hole on a hard stone if they keep dripping, even someone who is not so talented can succeed in the end if he/she steadily makes efforts for a long time.

If there is anyone near you who is about to give up something, tell them “Three years on a stone. Hang in there!”or “If you make efforts steadily, you’ll be fine. Constant dripping making a hole on a stone.”

I introduced my favorite Japanese proverb this time, and it is your turn to try to find your favorite one. It will surely get you to have a lively conversation with Japanese people.




★This week's vocabulary


七転び八起き / ななころびやおき : n 1)the vicissitudes of life 2)ups and downs in life 3)always rising after a fall or repeated failures

ことわざ: a proverb


座右の銘/ざゆうのめい: one's motto

四字熟語/よじじゅくご: four-character idiomatic compounds

起き上がる/おきあがる: to get up

失敗/しっぱい:     to fail

諦める/あきらめる:to give up     ※諦(あきら)めずに=諦(あきら)めないで

精神/せいしん: spirit

-系/-けい: a group of things related in some way

雨垂れ/あまだれ: raindrops falling from the eaves of a building

うがつ: to make a hole

忍耐/にんたい: patience, perseverance

辛抱/しんぼう: endurance

成し遂げる / なしとげる : to accomplish ※成(な)し遂(と)げられる=can accomplish

こつこつ: steadily

会話が弾む/かいわがはずむ: have a lively conversation

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