When you think of Hokkaido in Japan, what do you think of ? Most Japanese people answer delicious food. But what delicious food do Hokkaido people miss the most when they are away from home ? Itaya sensei introduces one of the most popular Japanese cuisine from her hometown and helps you to learn Japanese with this Japanese teacher blog.

Jingisukan (Hokkaido mutton barbecue) 


By ITAYA Sayuri








Jingisukan pot


lamb meat


Jingisukan pot2



ビールとともに味わうジンギスカンは格別です。ビールはもちろん北海道限定の「サッポロクラシック」をおすすめします。 あなたも北海道に来たら、ぜひ味わってみてくださいね。

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北海道で「ジンギスカン」とは、羊(ひつじ)の肉(にく)、マトンラムを用(もち)いた羊肉の焼肉料理(やきにくりょうり)です。北海道で取(と)れたおいしい野菜(やさい)もいっしょに焼(や)いて食べます。 食べ方(かた)は地方(ちほう)によって異(こと)なるようです。焼いてからタレに付(つ)けて食べたり、あらかじめ味つけをした肉を焼いて食べたりします。



ビールとともに味(あじ)わうジンギスカンは格別(かくべつ)です。ビールはもちろん北海道限定(げんてい)の「サッポロクラシック」をおすすめします。 あなたも北海道に来(き)たら、ぜひ味わってみてくださいね。

I live in Hokkaido in Japan. Hokkaido has beautiful scenery and the food is delicious so it is a popular tourist destination in Japan.

I am often asked what Hokkaido food I recommend. But I am troubled to answer, because whatever you eat is delicious but I heard that when Dosanko (people born and bred in Hokkaido) leave Hokkaido the food they miss the most is Jingisukan (also sometimes spelled as Genghis Khan). For the Dosanko, this dish's taste was something they often had during their childhoods, while cherry blossom viewing or at home parties, or after they became adults, in beer gardens, and after leaving Hokkaido, since it is not often eaten elsewhere, it is something they long for.

Jingisukan is a barbecued, grilled meat dish that uses mutton and lamb meat. And it is eaten together with delicious vegetables that are picked locally in Hokkaido and cooked together with the meat.

The ways to eat it, differ from area to area. You can grill it and then dip it in sauce or you can season it beforehand then cook and eat it.

There is special nabe (pot) for this dish called a Jingisukan pot. It is made out of metal and is really heavy and sturdy. The center features a round bulge. It also has some groove lines in it. These are to allow the meat juices to flow down, and is also designed to allow the vegetables cooking below to take on some of the flavor while cooking.

Lamb meat is healthy and can be eaten by any of the religions , so apparently tourists from Islamic areas have increased recently. Jingisukan eaten while drinking beer is particularly exceptional. For the beer, I of course recommend Sapporo Classic which is limited only to Hokkaido.



観光地(かんこうち):tourist attraction; sight-seeing area

離(はな)れる:to leave

恋(こい)しい:yearned for; longed for; missed

味(あじ):flavor; taste

なつかしい:dear; desired; missed


ラム:lamb (meat)

地方(ちほう):area; locality

~によって異(こと)なる:to differ depending on ...

タレ: sauce for dipping, etc. made from soy sauce, mirin, vinegar and dashi

あらかじめ:beforehand; in advance

味(あじ)つけ:{food} seasoning

専用(せんよう):exclusive use;

鋳物(いもの):cast metal

頑丈(がんじょう):solid; firm; stout; strong

盛(も)り上(あ)がる:to swell; to rise; to bulge

溝(みぞ):ditch; drain; gutter; groove

肉汁(にくじゅう):meat soup; bouillon; juices (from grilled meat)

流(なが)れる:to stream; to flow (liquid, time, etc.)

旨(うま)み:good flavor

からむ:to entangle; to entwine;

工夫(くふう):device; devising



圏(けん):sphere; circle; range

増(ふ)える:to increase

~とともに:at the same time; with; as ...


限定(げんてい):limit; restriction

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