Japanese Maple trees provide the atypical autumn scenery in Japan. Nakajima sensei introduces a cultural activity called Momiji Gari that many Japanese people do and has deep cultural and historical roots in Japan.What do you do to enjoy the autumn or fall season ? Perhaps you can try the activity introduced in this Japanese blog and Japanese listening video.

Viewing Autumn leaves



Autumn leaves



日本にはいつごろからこの習慣があったのでしょうか?日本最古の歌集「万葉集」の中には、紅葉の美しさを詠んでいる歌がたくさんあります。 つまり、 1200年前には紅葉狩りの習慣があったのかもしれませんね。あなたも、紅葉狩りに出かけて、季節の移り変わりを感じてみませんか?

To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.



私は毎年、秋になると紅葉狩りに出かけます。紅葉狩りとは、きのこ狩りや梨(なし)狩りのように紅葉を取って食べるのではありません。 野山(のやま)へ出かけて赤(あか)や黄色(きいろ)に色が変わった葉(は)の様子(ようす)を見て楽しむことです。春にはお花見がありますが、秋は紅葉を見て季節(きせつ)の移り変わりを実感(じっかん)します。

日本にはいつごろからこの習慣(しゅうかん)があったのでしょうか?日本最古(さいこ)の歌集(かしゅう)「万葉集(まんようしゅう)」の中には、紅葉の美(うつく)しさを詠(よ)んでいる歌(うた)がたくさんあります。 つまり、 1200年前には紅葉狩りの習慣があったのかもしれませんね。あなたも、紅葉狩りに出かけて、季節の移り変わりを感じてみませんか?

Viewing Autumn leaves

They say that,“A woman's mind is like the autumn weather”, which means to say that autumn skies change tempestuously. How do you usually spend these changeable autumn days ?

 Every year, when autumn comes along, I usually go out to 'hunt' for Maple leaves (or 'Momiji gari' in Japanese). 'Momiji gari' is unlike 'Kinoko gari' (gathering mushrooms) or 'Nashi gari' (Japanese pear picking) as in you don't go find 'Momiji' and eat them. It it the act of going out in the hills and dales, finding and enjoy looking at the appearance of leaves that have changed to reds and yellows. In spring we have cherry blossom viewing and in autumn we go out to look at the Maple leaves and feel the changing of the seasons.

I wonder when this custom began in Japan ? In the Manyoushuu, Japan's oldest anthology of poems,there are many poems or songs written about the beauty of Maple leaves. Which means that the custom of 'Momiji gari' could go back as far 1200 years ago.  Why don't you go out and try 'Momiji gari' and feel the change of the seasons.

女心(おんなごころ)と秋(あき)の空(そら)   Women's mind is like the weather of autumn

移(うつ)り変(か)わり   change

習慣(しゅうかん)   custom

最古(さいこ)の   the oldest

万葉集(まんようしゅう)   Manyoushuu (famous 8thC poetry) Japan's oldest anthology of poems

詠(よ)む   compose; write

つまり   in short; in other words ; that is to say

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