Do Japanese people and people from Kanji-based language countries learn Kanji differently from Western people ? How do Japanese people learn Kanji and how can knowing this help you learn Japanese kanji better ? Read this blog and ask your JOI Japanese teacher in your next lesson !
How to memorize Japanese Kanji
ある研究者の話によると、非漢字圏といって漢字をつかわない文化圏の人は、漢字を絵と同じように見るそうです。そして、画数よりも、その字が左右対称かどうかのほうが覚える鍵となるそうです。例えば、「映画」 の「画」。画数は8画です。「目的」の「的」。これも8画です。「似ている」 の「似」。これは7画です。いかがですか?
日本人の場合、人によって違うと思いますが、字を自分の知っている字に分解して覚える傾向が あります。例えば、「疑う」の「疑」という字を私はヒ矢マフト人(ひやまふとじん)、つまり、カタカナの「ヒ」、「弓矢」の「矢」、カタカナの「マ」「フ」「ト」、そして「人」の組み合わせで覚えました。JOIの先生方はいかがですか?
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How to memorize Japanese Kanji
How to memorize Japanese Kanji Talking about Kanji. When you are learning Japanese, Kanji is essential. How do you memorize it all ?
According to some researcher, to people in the "Hikanjiken", that is the area not within the cultural sphere of Kanji, Kanji look the same as pictures. So instead of the number of strokes, it is whether or not the character is symmetrical that provides a clue to memorizing it. For example, the character (画 )found in the Kanji for movie (映画 ). This character has 8 strokes. The character (的 )which is part of the Kanji (目的 )which means purpose also has 8 strokes. But the character (似) in the Kanji (似ている)has 7 strokes. What do you think about this?
In the case of Japanese people, although it differs from person to person, we tend to take the character apart into Kanji that we know and remember it this way. For example, with the Kanji (疑う) which means to doubt I remembered it as an amalgamation of "Himayafutojin" or in other words, the Katakana character ヒ ,the character (矢 ) from the Kanji (弓矢 )meaning a bow and arrow, the Katakana characters (マ), (フ), and (ト) and finally the character (人) . How does your JOI teacher remember Kanji ? Why not ask them in your next lesson !
必要(ひつよう):(a) necessity ((for, of; to do))
研究者(けんきゅうしゃ):a researcher
非漢字圏(ひかんじけん):The area that does not use the kanji
文化圏(ぶんかけん):Cultural sphere
画数(かくすう):the number of strokes in a Chinese character
左右対称(さゆうたいしょう):a symmetrical ((kanji))
鍵(かぎ):a key; a clue
映画(えいが): a movie
目的(もくてき):a purpose
似る(にる):look like; be like; resemble
分解する(ぶんかいする):take ((a kanji)) apart; dismantle ((a kanji))
傾向(けいこう):a trend ((toward))
弓矢(ゆみや):a bow and arrow