Do you have trouble sleeping in Japan? Sleep is one of the most important activities that we need to do well for our health. There are many products on the market to help you get a good night’s sleep, and Yatabe sensei, a Japanese teacher at JOI, introduces this here with a personal take on the topic. 眠るための音Sounds for falling asleep By YATABE Kumiko 夜、リラックスして早く眠れるように、色々な音を試しています。 ...
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- 45 posts in this category
Do you have trouble sleeping in Japan? Sleep is one of the most important activities that we need to do well for our health. There are many products on the market to help you get a good night’s sleep, and Yatabe sensei, a Japanese teacher at JOI, introduces this here with a personal take on the topic. 眠るための音Sounds for falling asleep By YATABE Kumiko 夜、リラックスして早く眠れるように、色々な音を試しています。 ...
How to enjoy your off-season Do you have an off-season for your job? Is there an off-season to visiting your country? Someya sensei talks about one of the good points about off-seasons in Japan! 閑散期 By SOMEYA Sachiko 「閑散期」とは、企業やお店において、お客や注文が少なく暇な時期を意味します。 あまりよいイメージはなく、商売をしている方にとっては残念な時期となります。 先日私は、この「閑散期」について、「閑散期ってすばらしい!」という経験をしました。 1月にディズニーランドへ行ったときのことです。後で知ったのですが、お正月イベント後の1月は...
スラムダンク、再び。 Slam Dunk again! By YOKOZUKA Noriko 私はスラムダンク(以下、スラダン)原作世代です。 スラダンの映画を見ました。おもしろい。この一言に尽きます。 自分の語彙力のなさが嘆かわしいほどに、他にどんな言葉も浮かびません。 映画を見た次の瞬間、もう一度見たいと思いました。 私の12年のバスケ競技歴の半分が、スラダンに染まっているからでしょうか。 週末、もう一度映画館に行ってきます。 ちなみに私はミッチー(三井寿)推しです。 To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. Kanji with hiragana スラムダンク、再(ふたた)び。 私(わたし)はスラムダンク(以下(いか)、スラダン)原作(げんさく)世代(せだい)です。 スラ...
A slice of Japanese life with a professional Japanese teacher Yamamoto sensei has been teaching at JOI for some years and is out resident expert on business lessons as well as various other classes. This blog is a small collection of Yamamoto sensei's feelings and pensive reflections that he shares about his daily life. Read the blog and blogs below and listen to Yamamoto sensei read the senten...
Pets in Japan Japan is often seen as a crammed country with little space for people to live, let alone with pets.But pets are extremely popular here and pet owners and animal services are some of the most caring in the world. There were an estimated 8.49 million dogs and 9.64 million cats being kept by owners in the country. And the pandemic has also seen a dramatic rise in pet ownership in Japa...