Test Some Flu Season Vocabulary!
Master your Japanese & cold season vocab with this Fun Quiz!!
You can show this one off at the office or at the doctor's!
Let's try a Japanese language quiz!
今日はのどが( )するの。もしかして風邪を引いたかも。
My throat is irritated today. I may have caught a cold.
Choose an answer from from 1~4.
① いがいが
② いらいら
③ ぞくぞく
④ きりきり
答えは・・・The answer is・・・
① いがいが
◆Today's vocabulary:
いがいがする To be irritating or scratchy
風邪(かぜ)を引(ひ)く catch a cold.
◆Quick Tip!
When you have a sore throat, honey is really good.