Ever feel disappointed learning Japanese?
Onomatopoeia or words that sound like the thing they are describing, are used sparingly in English but extensively in Japanese!
Let's try a Japanese quiz!
A: 大事な試合で負けて、本当にくやしいよ。
B: いつまでも( )していてもしょうがない。がんばろう!
A: I'm really disappointed that we lost an important match.
B:It's no use dwelling on it forever. Let's do our best.
Choose the correct word to fit into the missing space ( ).
Select the answer from choices 1~ 4 below.
① むしむし
② せかせか
③ くよくよ
④ へとへと
答えは・・・The answer is・・・
③ くよくよ
◆ Today's expression
"くよくよする" can be translated into English as "to fret" or "to worry excessively." It refers to the act of excessively worrying or being preoccupied with anxious thoughts.