Can you say "parched" in Japanese?

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There are some great ways to express different sentiments in Japanese that use onomatopoeia - they often use repeated sounds that sound like they feel.

Let's try a Japanese quiz!



3時間も何も飲んでいないので、のどが(       )です。

I haven't had anything to drink for 3 hours and my throat is parched.



Choose the correct word to fit into the missing space (    ).

Select the answer from choices 1~ 4 below.

① からから
② かりかり
③ どろどろ
④ ざらざら

答えは・・・The answer is・・・




① からから


◆ Today's expression


The expression "からから" can be translated into English as "very dry" or "parched."

It refers to a state where something or the environment is extremely dry. Specifically, it describes a lack of moisture, with a dry and brittle texture.

The term can be applied to dry landscapes, dry air, or even dry food items.