An immature Japanese idiom for you
Japanese people have a lot of idioms - some are very similar to English ones or have roots in different cultures.
Can you guess this Japanese idiom?
いつまでも、親の ( ) をかじるのはよくない。仕事を探そう!
Continuing to cling to your parents' apron strings indefinitely is not good. I will look for a job.
◆ Vocabulary Hints
親(おや) parent
仕事(しごと) job
探(さが)す look for
Choose the correct word to fit into the missing space ( ).
Select the answer from choices 1~ 4 below.
① すね
② 首(くび)
③ 足(あし)
④ ひじ
答えは・・・The answer is・・・
① すね
◆ Today's expression
親のすねをかじる - To cling to one's parents' apron strings
◆ Example sentence:
A: 最近、兄弟が大学を卒業したんだけど、まだ親のすねをかじってるよ。
B: そろそろ自立しなきゃいけないね。自分の人生を歩むためにも、仕事を見つけるべきだよ。
A: My sibling graduated from college recently, but they're still clinging to our parents.
B: They should start becoming independent soon. They need to find a job to pursue their own life.