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Reki-jo Japanese history ladies

Japanese Historical dramas

On Japanese TV there has been an ongoing popularity of historical dramas. The biggest producer of these historical dramas is the national public broadcasting organization or NHK. NHK has been producing an annual, year-long historical drama called the Taiga Drama. Each year they choose a figure from Japanese history and weave fiction with real historical events to create an entertaining series.

The characters depicted and their hometowns and the areas where they were active often become tourist attractions.

In this Japanese language learning blog, Murahara sensei admits to being a fan of these dramas recently and perhaps she has become a bit of a “Reki-jo”. Read on to find out more and learn Japanese for free with this blog and also listen to natual Japanese by watching the YouTube video.

Reki-jo : Am I one ?




みなさんは「歴女」という言葉を知っていますか。 「歴女」とは「歴史好きの女性」です。歴史そのものに興味があるというより、歴史上の特定の人物に強い興味を持ち、まるでアイドルを追いかけるようにゆかりの地を訪れたり、関連グッズや書籍を買い集めたりする女性のことを指します。特に最近の日本では、有名人気俳優が歴史ドラマや映画に出演していて、その影響からこの「歴女」人口が徐々に増えつつあるようです。



To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.


みなさんは「歴女(れきじょ)」という言葉(ことば)を知(し)っていますか。 「歴女(れきじょ)」とは「歴史(れきし)好(ず)きの女性(じょせい)」です。歴史(れきし)そのものに興味(きょうみ)があるというより、歴史上(れきしじょう)の特定(とくてい)の人物(じんぶつ)に強(つよ)い興味(きょうみ)を持(も)ち、まるでアイドルを追(お)いかけるようにゆかりの地(ち)を訪(おとず)れたり、関連(かんれん)グッズや書籍(しょせき)を買(か)い集(あつ)めたりする女性(じょせい)のことを指(さ)します。特(とく)に最近(さいきん)の日本(にほん)では、有名(ゆうめい)人気(にんき)俳優(はいゆう)が歴史(れきし)ドラマや映画(えいが)に出演(しゅつえん)していて、その影響(えいきょう)からこの「歴女(れきじょ) 人口(じんこう)が徐々(じょじょ)に増(ふ)えつつあるようです。



Reki-jo : Am I one ?

Have you heard of the term “Reki-jo” ? Well, “Reki-jo” comes from the first character of the word “Rekishi” which means History and the first character of “Josei” which means Lady and therefore it means a lady who likes history. But rather than ladies who like history itself, this term instead points to ladies who are really into specific figures from history, and similar to chasing an idol around, they visit places connected with these figures, buy goods and collect books associated with these figures. And in Japan recently, popular actors have been depicting these figures in historical dramas and this has apparently affected the gradual growth of popularity of these “Reki-jo”.

I originally had no interest in “Reki-jo”. But now I have an interest in the late Tokugawa period . The drama “Atsu Hime” was the catalyst in this case. The leading character, Atsu Hime was from my hometown Kagoshima and the TV drama was set and filmed in Kagoshima, so I found myself watching it. And through the drama I came to reappreciate that a lot of the Satsuma people (the old name for Kagoshima) played a big part during the late Tokugawa period, and so I came to be more interested in this period of history. And from then, I started to watch other dramas based in the late Tokugawa period. But that said, I don't visit the places associated with the figures and collect goods like the “Reki-jo”. But after watching the dramas, because I want to find out more about the characters depicted and the events, I do searches about them on my smartphone. So maybe I have become a mini-”Reki-jo” of sorts.

There are various pros and cons to historical TV dramas and movies and also to these “Reki-jo”, but if they create an opportunity for people to have a deeper understanding of the history taught in schools and for us to have more interest in the history of our own country, then I cannot completely disapprove of it.

歴女/れきじょ history loving women

特定/とくてい の~ specific, certain

人口/じんこう population

スマホで検索/けんさく する to search on smart phone

賛否両論/さんぴりょうろん pros and cons



Hajimemashite, everyone. My name is Satomi Murahara I live in Kagoshima in Kyushu. An active volcano known as Sakura Jima, is the symbol of the town.

I have been teaching at Japanese language schools in Saipan and Kagoshima. While I was in Saipan, I got to find out about Polynesian dances and now I'm currently learning Tahitian dance. Recently I have become interested in Hula too. One day I'd like to go to Hawaii and Tahiti and dance under the azure sky looking out at the sea.

I love helping everyone to learn Japanese ! So in my class, don't be afraid to make mistakes, just continue to use Japanese. Talk as much as possible and ask me lots of questions. This is the shortcut to improving your language skills. I'm really looking forward to hearing about your experiences and have conversations in Japanese with you !

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