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Omurice Japanese omelet rice

Yoshoku : Western-style cuisine in Japan

In Japan there is Washoku or Japanese-style cuisine and Yoshoku or western-style cuisine.

Yoshoku or Youshoku, is food cooked in a western-style and became popular during the Meiji period in Japanese history. When the Meiji emperor declared that Western knowledge and learning should be incorporated into Japanese culture.

Today there are many kinds of Yoshoku dishes. Some of them are variations on a typical European or American dish but some are unique to Japan.

Here Itaya sensei introduces one of the latter, Omurice in this Japanese language learning blog. Please read this blog to study Japanese for free and learn Japanese vocabulary and listen to the video too to improve your listening

Omurice Japanese omelet rice


By ITAYA Sayuri

omelet rice




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Omurice Japanese omelet rice

Japanese cuisine is now apparently popular around the world. What kind of Japanese food do you like best ? There are many famous Japanese dishes like, sushi, tempura, Okonomiyaki to name a few.

But have you heard of a dish called Omurice ? Please look at the picture. At first glance it looks just like an omelet, but inside this fried egg is rice, stir fried with chicken and onions and flavored with ketchup. And the sauce that is poured on top can be not only ketchup but Demi-glace sauce or white sauce or even curry so that you can enjoy a lot of different tastes with this dish. Japanese children love this dish and a lot of adults like it too. Of course I love it.

However, although Omurice was first made in Japan, it is thought of as Western-style cuisine and not as Japanese cuisine. So when we go out to eat it, we go to a Western-style food shop to do so. When you come to Japan, please try some Omurice. Its really delicious !

人気 【にんき】 popularity; popular feeling

ご存じ 【ごぞんじ】 (hon) knowing

一見 【いっけん】  glimpse; glance

焼く 【やく】 (1) to burn; (2) to roast; to broil; to grill; to bake; to toast

玉ねぎ 【たまねぎ】  onion

炒める 【いためる】 to cook; to fry; to saute; to stir-fry

玉ねぎ 【たまねぎ】  onion

ケチャップ  ketchup

デミグラスソース; ドミグラスソース demi-glace (type of brown sauce)

ホワイトソース; ホワイト・ソース white sauce

味 【あじ】 flavor; flavour; taste

実は 【じつは】 as a matter of fact; by the way; to tell you the truth; to be honest; frankly

和食 【わしょく】 Japanese food; Japanese-style meal

洋食 【ようしょく】  Western-style meal

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