Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Milk Cartons

Recycling in Japan

Depending on the areas in Japan, recycling can be a difficult process. Some areas have up to 44 different types of product separation for trash for recycling purposes !

There are number of Recycling Laws and regulations, both nationally and locally. If you are planning to move to Japan, it is advisable to find out the trash disposal system of the city you plan to move to. Many city offices have homepages in English which allow you to find out this and other useful information to help make your stay in Japan easier.

In this blog by Ishibashi sensei, she deals with an often overlooked environmentally-friendly policy which is to try to re-use products in different before throwing them away.

Learn Japanese vocabulary and phrases by reading this blog. Ishibashi sensei reads the audio blog so you can listen to natural Japanese to improve your listening as well.

Milk Cartons



みなさんは飲み終わった牛乳パックをどうしていますか。 わたしは、牛乳パックをいろいろなものに活用しています。

わたしが一番よく使う方法は、魚や肉を切るときのまな板として使う方法です。 の魚や肉を切るとき、まな板に悪いがついてしまうので、切ってひろげた牛乳パックの上で切ると、使ったあとにそのまま捨てられて、便利です。




そして、もう一つは、牛乳パックをたくさん集めて、子どものいすや踏み台を作る方法です。 結構頑丈で、小さい子どもが洗面所で手を洗ったりするのに便利です。 みなさんも、ぜひいろいろな方法で活用してみてください。


To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. 


みなさんは飲(の)み終(お)わった牛乳(ぎゅうにゅう)パックをどうしていますか。 わたしは、牛乳パックをいろいろなものに活用(かつよう)しています。

わたしが一番(いちばん)よく使(つか)う方法(ほうほう)は、魚(さかな)や肉(にく)を切(き)るときのまな板(いた)として使う方法です。 生(なま)の魚や肉を切るとき、まな板に悪(わる)い菌(きん)がついてしまうので、切ってひろげた牛乳パックの上(うえ)で切ると、使ったあとにそのまま捨(す)てられて、便利(べんり)です。


そして、もう一(ひと)つは、牛乳パックをたくさん集(あつ)めて、子(こ)どものいすや踏(ふ)み台(だい)を作(つく)る方法です。 結構(けっこう)頑丈(がんじょう)で、小(ちい)さい子どもが洗面所(せんめんじょ)で手(て)を洗(あら)ったりするのに便利です。 みなさんも、ぜひいろいろな方法で活用してみてください。

Milk Cartons

What do you usually do with milk cartons after your have drunk all the milk ? I have various ways of utilizing these milk cartons.

The way that I most often use them is as a cutting board when I cut fish and meat. When you cut raw meat and fish, some bad germs get onto the cutting board, but if I cut them on top of a cut and spread out milk carton, I can throw it away after cutting which is convenient.

Also, it is useful for throwing away used oil. I stuff a milk carton with old newspapers, and then if I pour the used oil into this and throw it away, I do not have to worry about polluting the drainage system.

And then another way to use them is to collect many milk cartons, and use them to build childrens' chairs and step stools. They are actually quite solid and can useful for small children to use to step on to wash their hands in washrooms. Please try to find some of your own ways to use them.

牛乳(ぎゅうにゅう)パックmilk carton


まな板(いた)cutting board



古新聞(ふるしんぶん)old newspapers




踏(ふ)み台(だい)step stool




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