Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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A luxurious bus tour

Japanese domestic tourism

Domestic tourism is really the mainstay of most of Japan's tourist destinations. Japan attracted 8.3 million foreign visitors in 2008, yet Kyoto alone receives over 30 million tourists annually.

Domestic tourism was made affordable by the construction of the vast railway network around the country after the Meiji Restoration in 1867. Today there many methods of transportation to get around to see all the different tourist spots and Japan boasts a total of 18 World Heritage sites to visit and enjoy.

Recently, bus tours have also become a popular way to enjoy sightseeing around Japan, especially for the nearby local residents. In this blog for Japanese learners, Yanaka sensei describes her experience of one of these tours.

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A luxurious bus tour



3月の終わりに一泊二日でバスツアーへ行ってきました。ツアーの内容は「世界遺産白川郷・飛騨高山・金沢兼六園をめぐる、温泉、食べ放題付きプラン」というものです。 朝早く横浜を出発し、東名高速から中央高速を通って最初の目的地、飛騨高山へ。古い町並みを見て歩き、軽めの昼食を取りました。

Hidataka Yama




Kenrokuen Japanese garden


Shirakawa Go


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A luxurious bus tour

At the end of March, I went on a 2 day and 1 night bus tour. The contents of the tour were a tour of some World Heritage sites:- Shirakawa Go, Hidataka Yama and the Kenrokuen Japanese garden in Kanazawa and it included an all you can eat and hotspring plan.

Early in the morning we departed from Yokohama then took the Toumei highway, connecting to Chuo Highway towards our first destination, Hidataka Yama. We walked around and took in the ancient townscape and had a light lunch. Then we went to Toyama where our accommodation was. That night's meal was an all you can eat buffet. We could fully sample the seafood products of Toyama and were completely satisfied.

The next day's destination was the Kenrokuen Japanese garden in Kanazawa. The snow had completely melted and we could see the tree branches poking healthily out from the snow-protection ropes. The moss looked as soft as a blanket, so much so that I wondered if there really had been snow here. I could greatly feel the power of spring.

Next we made our way to Shirakawa Go. Shirakawa Go still had some snow covereing remaining, but the sunshine was warm and we could comfortably hear the sound of the melting snow dripping down. I felt somewhat glad to see that spring was coming, even to this area that receives so much snow.

The route back was the same as the way there, and we arrived back in Yokohama 2 hours later than our planned time of arrival. The mileage covered both ways was almost 1000 kilometers. We were very grateful to our bus driver who drove us safely all the way over the 2 days. We saw a lot and ate so much ; it was truly a luxurious bus tour.

ぜいたくな luxurious;

北陸(ほくりく) Hokuriku (region on Japan Sea side of middle Japan. it indicates Niigata Pref., Ishikawa Pref., Toyama Pref. and Fukui Pref.)

~方面(ほうめん) a direction;

世界遺産(せかいいさん) a world heritage

~をめぐる make a tour of ~;

食べ放題(たべほうだい) eating as much as one likes

目的地(もくてきち) one’s destination

町並み(まちなみ) townscape; street

宿泊地(しゅくはくち) place of stay

海の幸(うみのさち) seafood; products of the sea

大満足(だいまんぞく) very satisfied;

雪吊り(ゆきつり、ゆきづり) (placing ropes around trees to protect them from the snow)

苔(こけ) moss

ふかふか softly (like a down-filled quilt)

つくづく greatly

日差し(ひざし) sunshine; sunlight

雪解け(ゆきどけ) a thaw; the melting snow

心地よく(ここちよく) comfortably

到着時間(とうちゃくじかん) time of arrival ;

安全運転(あんぜんうんてん) safe driving ;

走行距離(そうこうきょり) mileage

往復(おうふく) both ways ( going and returning)

運転手(うんてんしゅ) driver;

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