Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Silent Eating

Manners during the pandemic

Mask wearing has been the most prevalent new form of etiquette during the pandemic, but there have been other types of new manners too.

From conducting interviews and having meetings, there are many normal activities that have had to be altered to accommodate 'the new normal'.

Here in Japan, one such activity is eating. Typically in Japan, the emerging manner has garnered a new moniker. Read this blog by Japanese teacher Kaori Ishibashi and learn some new Japanese vocabulary as well as Kanji. It is an easy blog to read and you can use it to practice for JLPT reading.

Silent Eating




 みなさん、黙食という言葉を聞いたことがありますか。 日本で今年になって使われるようになった言葉です。 黙食とは、漢字のとおり、「黙って食べる」という意味です。




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 みなさん、黙食という言葉(ことば)を聞(き)いたことがありますか。 日本(にほん)で今年(ことし)になって使(つか)われるようになった言葉です。 黙食とは、漢字(かんじ)のとおり、「黙(だま)って食(た)べる」という意味(いみ)です。




Silent Eating

Have you ever heard of the word 'Moku Shoku'? In Japan this year, this word has begun to be used. The word 'Moku Shoku' is as the Kanji indicates, means 'eat in silence'.

Since the Coronavirus pandemic began, in food and drink stores, when you eat you have to take off the mask, so people getting infected by Coronavirus increased. And due to this, the habit of 'Moku Shoku' became widespread in Japan.

In some restaurants, there are some large signboards with 'Moku Shoku' written on them and they request that customers eat in silence. In schools too, there is guidance to refrain from talking to friends and to face forwards and eat silently.

These manners may be necessary to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, but I'd like for life to return to normal, and we can have meals while enjoying talking to friends.

黙食 もくしょく silent eating

黙る だまる be silent

流行 りゅうこう epidemic

飲食店 いんしょくてん restaurant

外す はずすtake off

感染する かんせんする infect

習慣 しゅうかん custom, manner

看板 かんばん signboard

指導 しどう  guidance

感染防止 かんせんぼうし infection prevention

元 もとoriginal ※元の生活 もとのせいかつ normal life


Hajimemashite, my name is Kaori Ishibashi.
I live in Ibaraki city, in Osaka prefecture, with my husband, son and daughter. Ibaraki city is in between Osaka and Kyoto and is in a very convenient location. Before I was married, I went to Canada and Spain as an exchange student. So I too love to study languages.
Since my children are still so young, I cannot readily go abroad, so I am really glad of the opportunity to communicate with people from various countries through JOI. Let's study Japanese together.

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