Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Homemade bacon part two

Homemade food in Japan

Much of Japanese cuisine can be made in the home without many special pieces of cooking equipment. Many Japanese families eat homemade food daily and although the culture of ordering in or pre-cooked meals is well-established, most housewives rely on simple and easy to use ingredients to prepare meals at home.

In this blog by Japanese teacher Chie Eguchi, she explains part two of her bacon-making experience. This is a good blog to learn the ins and outs of this wonderful dish.

Read the blog to learn some new Japanese vocabulary and also if you have time and patience, you can try to make this dish yourself.

ベーコンを作ってみたい Part 2
Homemade bacon part two




 前回、2月に書いたブログで「塩分が少なくて無添加のベーコンを、息子のために作りたい」 と書きました。うれしいことに、レッスンの時に「ベーコンはどうなりましたか?」と聞いてくださる方が何人もいらっしゃいました。今日は、私のベーコン作りについて紹介します。

 ベーコン作りは難しくないのですが、時間がかかります。まず、豚肉を塩漬けします。豚肉に塩、こしょう、スパイスをまぶして冷蔵庫に一週間ぐらい入れておきます。一日一回ひっくり返すといいそうです。一週間後、塩漬けした豚肉を水に漬けて塩抜きします。塩抜きしたら いよいよ燻製・・・ではなく、しっかり豚肉を乾燥させます。一日乾燥させたら、やっと燻製です。 燻製する時間は1時間ぐらいで、そんなに長くありません。できあがったら食べてみましょう! と思いますが、実はすぐに食べると煙の味が強く、酸味もあっておいしくありません。冷蔵庫で 2日ほど寝かせたらです。



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ベーコンを作(つく)ってみたい Part2


 ベーコン作(づく)りは難(むずか)しくないのですが、時間(じかん)がかかります。まず、豚肉(ぶたにく)を塩漬(しおづ)けします。豚肉(ぶたにく)に塩(しお)、こしょう、スパイスをまぶして冷蔵庫(れいぞうこ)に一週間(いっしゅうかん)ぐらい入(い)れておきます。一日一回(いちにちいっかい)ひっくり返(かえ)すといいそうです。一週間後(いっしゅうかんご)、塩漬(しおづ)けした豚肉(ぶたにく)を水(みず)に漬(つ)けて塩抜(しおぬ)きします。塩抜(しおぬ)きしたらいよいよ燻製(くんせい)・・・ではなく、しっかり豚肉(ぶたにく)を乾燥(かんそう)させます。一日(いちにち)乾燥(かんそう)させたら、やっと燻製(くんせい)です。 燻製(くんせい)する時間(じかん)は1時間(じかん)ぐらいで、そんなに長(なが)くありません。できあがったら食(た)べてみましょう!と思(おも)いますが、実(じつ)はすぐに食(た)べると煙(けむり)の味(あじ)が強(つよ)く、酸味(さんみ)もあっておいしくありません。冷蔵庫(れいぞうこ)で2日(ふつか)ほど寝(ね)かせたらできあがりです。



Homemade bacon part two

Previously, I wrote a blog in February entitled [I'd like to make additive-free, low salt content bacon for my child]. Happily, during the lessons, some of my students asked me “How is the bacon making going?” So today, I'd like to introduce my bacon making further.

It isn't difficult to make bacon, but it does take some time. You have to reserve some pork with salt. You have to sprinkle the meat with salt, pepper, and some spices and then put into the refrigerator for a week, And they say that it's good to turn it over once a day. Then after a week, you should take the salted pork and put into some water in order to remove excess salt. Once the excess salt is removed you are ready to smoke it, right? ...Wrong, then you have to completely dry out the pork. After you've dried it out for a whole day, then you , at last,it is ready to be smoked. It doesn't take that long to smoke it, only about an hour. Once this is done then it's ready to eat?! One would think so, but actually you cannot eat it right away because the smoke taste is too strong and it has a lot of acidity so it wouldn't be delicious. You have to leave the food out overnight in the refrigerator, then it's ready.

Altogether, it takes about 10 days to make, but once it is done, the bacon is really tasty. After looking it up, I found that there is a method of directly sprinkling the salt and also a method to salt it using a liquid called Saumur liquid. There are also a lot of different spices that can be used and it the texture can depend on how many days you leave to salt. Also, the taste can greatly change depending on the type of wood that you use in the smoking process. I was making it for my child, so I used only a few spices and selected meat with less fat on it.

The pot that I bought for smoking was a small one, so I couldn't make a lot at one time, but it didn't make much smoke so it was convenient for making in the home. If you are interested, please give it go!

無添加(むてんか)   additive-free

塩漬(しおづ)け する preserve with salt

まぶす           sprinkle

ひっくり返(かえ)す   turn over

塩抜(しおぬ)きする  remove excess salt

いよいよ         at last

寝(ね)かせる      leave the food out overnight

食感(しょっかん)    food texture


Hajimemashite everybody ! My name is Chie Eguchi. I live in Kawanishi city in Hyougo prefecture. Its about 20 minutes to Osaka station by train. It is an easy-going place with lots of fig and peach orchards.

I love reading books, and soaking in the bath while reading a book is my favorite pastime. I've been playing tennis since my university days, and although I'm a terrible player, I still play from time to time.

I have taught at Japanese language schools in Thailand, Hong Kong and Osaka. In my lessons, once you have grasped the meanings and understood the situations in which words and phrases are used, then the most important thing is to talk as much as possible. I want to help you learn Japanese in the most effective manner. Let's do this together !

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