Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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How many Kanji can you see?

How many Kanji for the JLPT N3?

If you include the Chinese characters from the N4 and N5 level, then the commonly quoted number is about 650 kanji in total that you need to learn in order to pass the JLPT N3.

This blog for Japanese learners includes a fun way to study for this. You can learn almost 50 Kanji this way and it is an interesting pastime during this period of Stay at Home.

Many students take Fujinawa sensei's Intermediate and N2 level classes and her Business Japanese Lessons, Advanced lessons, and N1 level classes at JOI. Those students may have already done this game before. Please try this exercise and learn Japanese in a fun way.

You can also listen to the blog on YouTube as well.

How many Kanji can you see?



 コロナウイルスのせいで、みなさん、自宅で過ごす時間がえていると思います。 そこで、今日は「ひまつぶし」をご紹介します。

 このを見てください。この中に漢字がれています。さて、いくつありますか?せますか? 私のレッスンを受けたことがある人は答えを知っているかもしれませんね。









To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.


 コロナウイルスのせいで、みなさん、自宅(じたく)で過(す)ごす時間(じかん)が増(ふ)えていると思(おも)います。 そこで、今日(きょう)は「ひまつぶし」をご紹介(しょうかい)します。

 この図(ず)を見(み)てください。この中に漢字(かんじ)が隠(かく)れています。さて、いくつありますか?探(さが)せますか? 私(わたし)のレッスンを受(う)けたことがある人(ひと)は答(こた)えを知(し)っているかもしれませんね。




How many Kanji can you see?

Due to the Coronavirus, I think that everyone is spending more time at home. So, I will introduce today's “way to kill time”.

Look at this diagram. There are some Chinese characters hiding in there. How many are there? Can you find them? Those of you that have taken my lessons will probably know the answer.

For example, if you pay attention to the horizontal lines, you can see 1, 2 and 3 in Kanji. If you focus on the square around the diagram, you can see the Kanji for mouth. There is also the Kanji for yen. If you really look, there are almost 50 different Kanji. It is difficult to find all 50 but try to find about 30 of them.

This was originally a game teaching Kanji to Elementary school students in Japan. Thanks to this, Elementary school students from the first year to the third year learned a lot of Chinese characters this way. In terms of JLPT, it is up to the Kanji you need to learn for the N3 level. Which is about 30 characters.

It is a good way to study and also a surprisingly good way to kill time.

~のせいで=Nのせいで:because of~、due to~ (JLPTN3の文法にでてきます。)

自宅(じたく)で過(す)ごす:spend time at my home


ひまつぶし:waste of time, killing tim


図(ず):a drawing.


探(さが)す:look for

横(よこ)の線(せん):a horizontal line

注目(ちゅうもく)する:pay attention to

四角(しかく):a quadrangle



Hello My name is Miyako Fujinawa.
I live in Nagaoka city in Niigata prefecture, which is famous for having "the best fireworks in Japan".
Through the process of teaching Japanese, I can get to meet various people from different countries, and find out some cultural differences and I find this very interesting. And since I don't get to travel often, one of the things that I look forward to is listening to everyone's stories and find myself feeling as though I have taken a trip to various places. I look forward to meeting you.

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