Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Japanese stationery

Japanese stationery

Japanese stationary can be a great gift to give as a souvenir of your travels to Japan. There are many unique and well-designed pieces of stationery, including pens, mechanical pencils and cute color-themed or branded goods that can only be bought in specific stores.

In this blog for Japanese learners, Maki Igarashi introduces some really unique and interesting stationery. Please read the blog and learn new Japanese vocabulary. Also you can listen to Igarashi sensei reading the blog in the video.

Evolved erasers





 この消しゴムには鉄粉が入っていて、消しくず磁石にくっつくようになっています。 消しゴムの底から少し上の部分には磁石が入っていて、消しくずを集めることができます。 集めた消しくずは、消しゴムの底のつまみを押し出すと磁石から離れ、落ちるようになっています。





To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.



 この消(け)しゴムには鉄粉(てっぷん)が入(はい)っていて、消(け)しくず磁石(じしゃく)にくっつくようになっています。 消(け)しゴムの底(そこ)から少(すこ)し上(うえ)の部分(ぶぶん)には磁石(じしゃく)が入(はい)っていて、消(け)しくずを集(あつ)めることができます。集(あつ)めた消(け)しくずは、消(け)しゴムの底(そこ)のつまみを押(お)し出(だ)すと磁石(じしゃく)から離(はな)れ、落(お)ちるようになっています。

 もうひとつは、Archという消(け)しゴムです。 これはケースと消(け)しゴムの接地(せっち)部分(ぶぶん)をアーチ状(じょう)にすることで、消(け)しゴムが折(お)れにくくなっています。消(け)しゴム自体(じたい)も、特殊(とくしゅ)発泡体(はっぽうたい)をゴムに入(い)れることで軽(かる)い力(ちから)で消(け)すことができ、消(き)えやすく、消(け)しくずもきれいにまとまるようになっています。



Evolved erasers

Have you bought an eraser recently? When I looked at the eraser that my son bought the other day, I was surprised. Erasers have evolved! Let me introduce this eraser first, it is called the “Zi-Keshi”

This eraser has iron powder in it so that the eraser dust can be made to stick to magnets. From the bottom of the eraser until a little part above that, there is a magnet and this allows you to collect the eraser dust up. When you press the bottom of the eraser, the dust separates from the magnet and can be thrown away.

One more eraser is called “Arch”. Because the case and eraser are made into an arch shape, it is difficult to break. The eraser itself contains a unique foam substance so you can erase with only a light pressure, it is easy to erase and the eraser dust can be cleanly assembled.

When you hold it in your hand, the thumb placement area has an anti-slip grip, it is made considering how to make it easy to hold and there is a perforated line in the case for when the eraser gets smaller so that you can make it shorter cleanly within the case.

Unknown to me, erasers have quite evolved. Would you like to use any of these ?

進化(しんか): evolution

鉄粉(てっぷん): iron powder

消(け)しくず: eraser dust

磁石(じしゃく): magnet

特殊(とくしゅ): unique、special、particular、peculiar

発泡体(はっぽうたい): foam

ミシン目(め): perforated line


Hajimemashite, everyone . My name is Maki Igarashi.
Although I'm originally from Hokkaido, I live in Hiroshima because of my husband's work transfer. Hokkaido is the northernmost island of Japan. Winter is very cold and snowy, but Hokkaido's natural scenery is very beautiful, and we have a lot of delicious food. Here in Hiroshima, on Miya-jima Island, you can see Itsukushima Shrine, a world cultural heritage site. If you come to Japan, please visit these great places.

I'd like to see you smile at least once in every class. The lessons will be, well, fun! Prepare well, and review well! :o)
Don't get caught up thinking Japanese is a difficult language, enjoy studying and learning !

Try to use your newly learned vocabulary and phrases all the time in the lessons. Looking forward to meeting you all in class !

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