Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka
JOI Support staff and manager.
Modern electric fans

Summer in Japan
Japanese summer season is hot and can be very humid. The humidity is one of the most difficult things to overcome of you have never experienced anything like it.
If you travel in Japan between June and September, prepare for the weather by packing a number of t-shirts so that you can change out of one when you get sweaty and also carry a fan to help with the heat.
In this Japanese learner's blog, Kaori Ishibashi a Japanese language teacher, explains one of the new trends in Japan's summer goods – electric fans.
Read through this easy language blog and learn some new vocabulary too. Listen to Ishibashi sensei read the blog herself in the accompanying YouTube video.
Modern electric fans
温暖化の影響で年々夏に暑くなりますね。暑いとき、みなさんはエアコンを使いますか。 わたしはいつも扇風機を使っています。
今年よく見るのは、ハンディ扇風機という小型の扇風機です。 手に持って外に持ち歩くことができます。今までは扇子やうちわを持って歩く人が多かったですが、今年はこのハンディ扇風機を持っている人がとても多いです。
To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.
温暖化(おんだんか)の影響(えいきょう)で年々(ねんねん)夏(なつ)に暑(あつ)くなりますね。暑(あつ)いとき、みなさんはエアコンを使(つか)いますか。 わたしはいつも扇風機(せんぷうき)を使っています。
今年(ことし)よく見(み)るのは、ハンディ扇風機という小型(こがた)の扇風機です。 手(て)に持(も)って外(そと)に持(も)ち歩(ある)くことができます。今までは扇子(せんす)やうちわを持って歩く人(ひと)が多(おお)かったですが、今年はこのハンディ扇風機を持っている人がとても多いです。
Modern electric fans
Due to the influence of global warming, year by year the summers are getting warmer. When it's hot, do you use the air conditioner? I always use a fan.
Recently in Japan when it gets hot, a lot of electric fans are sold.
This year I often see small-sized handy fans. You can hold them in your hand and take them outside with you. Until now there have been many people who walk around holding folding fans (sensu) or round fans (uchiwa) but this year there are a lot of people walking around holding these handy electric fans.
Also there are some handy electric fans with sprays attached, two-fan types that look like headphones and can be hung around your neck, and also clothes with fans built in.
People who work outside, like farmers and construction related workers, can be seen wearing these in-built fan type clothes apparently.
If you come to Japan during the summer, please try to look for some of these interesting fans.
今(いま)どき nowadays, in style
扇風機(せんぷうき) fan
温暖化(おんだんか) global warming
影響(えいきょう) influence
年々(ねんねん) year by year
ハンディ扇風機(せんぷうき) handy fan
小型(こがた) small size
扇子(せんす) folding fan
うちわ round fan
霧吹(きりふ)き spray
農家(のうか) farmer
工事関係(こうじかんけい) construction related
Hajimemashite, my name is Kaori Ishibashi.
I live in Ibaraki city, in Osaka prefecture, with my husband, son and daughter. Ibaraki city is in between Osaka and Kyoto and is in a very convenient location. Before I was married, I went to Canada and Spain as an exchange student. So I too love to study languages.
Since my children are still so young, I cannot readily go abroad, so I am really glad of the opportunity to communicate with people from various countries through JOI. Let's study Japanese together.