Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Too much can be as bad as too little

Spicy Japanese cuisine

Although Japanese cuisine is traditionally not very spicy, there are many dishes that use spices and peppers. Most of them are variants of Chinese cuisine or other imported cooking styles. Nevertheless, there are some really exciting Japanese foods that use spices and if you are in Japan, please try to seek them out and give them a taste.

In this blog by Imoto sensei, she talks about her love for spices that had some unfortunate consequences.

Imoto sensei has written this blog with the aim of introducing a lot of grammar and phrases from the JLPT N2 level curriculum. This blog can help you in your study for this test.

Imoto sensei also made the video herself, so please enjoy this wonderful Japanese visual lesson. You can learn Japanese vocabulary and phrases and prepare for the JLPT N2 in a fun way with these JOI language learning blogs. 

Too much can be as bad as too little












To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. 







Too much can be as bad as too little

I have a red pepper allergy so I cannot eat food which has any red pepper in it. If I happen to eat some food with red pepper in it, my face becomes covered in a rash and it all goes terribly. So when I make curry or Beancurd Sichuan style, I make it without any red pepper.

But just because I am allergic to red pepper doesn't mean that I don't like it. On the contrary, I actually love it.

Before I used to eat red pepper almost every day. And on top of that, I ate it in amounts that a normal person would never be able to eat. I cannot put it into words how terrible that way of eating was. I ate extremely too much of it over a long period of time which is I became allergic to it.

There is a proverb in Japanese that can be translated as “Too much can be as bad as too little.” It is words of warning that too much of anything is not good for you. This is exactly what I did. I feel so ashamed.

Whenever I see people eating spicy food I get so envious that I cannot stand it. I always think to myself, one day I will be able to red pepper.

「過ぎたるは及ばざるがごとし」 Too much can be as bad as too little.

唐辛子(とうがらし) red pepper

アレルギー allergy

~(よ)うものなら if, once happens to …

湿疹(しっしん) eczema

~だらけ be covered with

麻婆豆腐(マーボーどうふ) Beancurd Sichuan Style

~抜(ぬ)きで without

~からといって~わけではない just because .... it doesn't mean that

~どころか on the contrary

~ものだ I used to

~きる completely

~ほど this much

量(りょう) amount

凄(すさ)まじさ terribleness

~といったら surprisingly

極度(きょうくど)に extremely

~た末(すえ)に after a long time

~わけだ that’s why

ことわざ proverb

戒(いまし)め warning

情(なさ)けない shameful

~限(かぎ)りだ I feel so ~

~たびに every time

羨(うらや)ましい envious

~てたまらない I cannot stand it

~てやまない I always think


Mina sama Konnichiwa ! My name is Rie Imoto. I live in Nara city with my husband and daughter. Nara city is the oldest capital of Japan and there still a lot of nature remaining from the old days.

I love photography, and always walk with my camera and enjoy taking pictures of flowers, the sky, mountains, and nature. I also like running. I often run around my neighborhood. I sometimes participate in marathons. When I run, it refreshes both my mind and body and I can spend the time energetically.

When I was a child, I was very interested in foreign cultures and so, because it was in the age before the Internet, I used to enjoy exchanging letters with many people from different countries. I am so glad that we can connect with people all over the world now using the Internet. I am really looking forward to teaching you Japanese and to hear about your stories in Japanese. Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

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