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A natto recipe

Fermented soybeans

One of the recurring questions that foreign people get asked by Japanese people is, “Do you like Natto?” And although the question can sound banal at times, it is actually quite an apt one. This is because Nattō, a traditional Japanese food made from fermented soybeans, is really an acquired taste, due to its powerful smell, strong flavor, and slimy texture.

There are many ways to eat it although the standard method is by mixing it with the sachet of sauce that comes with it and adding the other sachet of mustard to complete the taste sensation.

For those people who cannot bear the smell or texture, there are some innovative ways to prepare it. And in this blog, Shiomi sensei gives one such recipe.

Try to cook this and improve your Washoku Japanese cuisine repertory. And also listen to the blog with the video to learn Japanese pronunciation. Use the vocabulary lists and different versions to learn Japanese here for free too.

A natto recipe






1. アボカドを半分に切ってから種を取り、実をスプーンでくり抜いてボールに入れる。
2. 1のボールに納豆を入れて、オリーブオイル、しょうゆ、塩、こしょうで味付けする。(納豆のたれが付いていれば入れてもいいが、からしは入れない)
3. ゆでたペンネを2のボールに入れて、さらにオリーブオイルを加えてあえる
4. 味見をして、お好みで、しょうゆ、塩、こしょうを追加する
5. 最後にきざみねぎを加えてあえる。(お好みで、きざみのりをかけてもいい)

ポイントは、ペンネなどのショートパスタを使うことです。この料理には、ショートパスタの方が納豆がからみやすくていいと思います。 納豆のにおいが苦手という人が多いと思いますが、オリーブオイルと一緒に食べると納豆のにおいは気にならなくなりますよ。納豆はアボカドやパスタとも相性がよくて、ボリュームもあるので、これだけでお腹がいっぱいになります。は納豆とアボカドだけのシンプルなパスタなので、ベジタリアンの人でも大丈夫です。とても簡単な料理ですので良かったら作ってみてくださいね。


To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.




1. アボカドを半分(はんぶん)に切(き)ってから種(たね)を取(と)り、実(み)をスプーンでくり抜(ぬ)いてボールに入(い)れる。
2. 1のボールに納豆(なっとう)を入(い)れて、オリーブオイル、しょうゆ、塩(しお)、こしょうで味付(あじつ)けする。(納豆(なっとう)のたれが付(つ)いていれば入(い)れてもいいが、からしは入(い)れない)
3. ゆでたペンネを2のボールに入(い)れて、さらにオリーブオイルを加(くわ)えてあえる
4. 味見(あじみ)をして、お好(この)みで、しょうゆ、塩(しお)、こしょうを追加(ついか)する
5. 最後(さいご)にきざみねぎを加(くわ)えてあえる。(お好(この)みで、きざみのりをかけてもいい)

ポイントは、ペンネなどのショートパスタを使(つか)うことです。この料理(りょうり)には、ショートパスタの方(ほう)が納豆(なっとう)がからみやすくていいと思(おも)います。 納豆(なっとう)のにおいが苦手(にがて)という人(ひと)が多(おお)いと思(おも)いますが、オリーブオイルと一緒(いっしょ)に食(た)べると納豆(なっとう)のにおいは気(き)にならなくなりますよ。納豆(なっとう)はアボカドやパスタとも相性(あいしょう)がよくて、ボリュームもあるので、これだけでお腹(なか)がいっぱいになります。具(ぐ)は納豆(なっとう)とアボカドだけのシンプルなパスタなので、ベジタリアンの人(ひと)でも大丈夫(だいじょうぶ)です。とても簡単(かんたん)な料理(りょうり)ですので良(よ)かったら作(つく)ってみてくださいね。

A natto recipe

Do you like natto? I believe that even though they like Japanese cuisine, there are many people who do not like natto. When I was a child, I too did not like natto and didn't eat it. But when I became an adult, I went to my friend's house and the friend made some natto pasta for me. That pasta was so delicious that from then on, I came to really like natto. Today I will introduce that pasta recipe to you. It is really easy to make.

Ingredients for two portions: 180 grams of penne pasta. 1 or 2 packs of Natto. One avocado. Minced green onion. Olive oil. Soy Sauce. Salt. Pepper. And shredded nori (dried seaweed) added to your liking.

1. Cut one avocado in half, remove the pit, hollow out the flesh and put it into a bowl.
2. Add the natto into the bowl (from step number 1) add olive oil, soy sauce, salt and pepper to taste. ( If you have some natto sauce, you can add this too, but do not add the mustard).
3. Add the boiled penne to the bowl in step 2 and dress it further with more olive oil.
4. Check the taste and add more soy sauce, salt and pepper as you like it.
5. Finally, sprinkle some minced green onion (and you can add some shredded nori too)

The point is to use penne or some other short type pasta. I think this cuisine is better with short pasta since it is easier to mix with natto. I think that many people don't like the smell of natto but when you eat it together with olive oil the smell is less noticeable. And natto makes such a good match with avocado as well as with pasta and is filling enough so that you will be full after eating only this. The ingredients being only natto and avocado means its a simple pasta and is fine for vegetarians too. It is a really simple cuisine, please give it a try if you like.

きざみねぎ:minced green onion,

きざみのり: shredded nori,

お好みで:if you like

くり抜(ぬ)いて:hollow out




からみやすく:mix easier

相性(あいしょう)がよく:a good match



Hajimemashite everyone,My name is Kyoko Shiomi.
I’m originally from Kobe, Hyogo prefecture. Kobe is a beautiful city that is surrounded by the sea and mountains. Himeji castle is located in Hyogo prefecture and it is the largest and the most beautiful castle in Japan. It has also been registered as a World Heritage Site.

There are many other attractive places in Japan. I would like to teach not only language, but also introduce Japanese culture and tourist spots, if you are interested. I used to live in Tokyo and London and work with people from many different parts of the world. Let´s talk a lot in Japanese and enjoy learning together! Looking forward to meeting you soon in the classroom.

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