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Canoeing in Hokkaido, Japan

There are many places where you can go to enjoy nature in Japan. And for those of you looking for outdoor adventures, there are also very good facilities for travelers and tourists to enjoy the local nature.

Hokkaido is the northern-most island of Japan and is one of the most blessed places with nature in the country. It offers rivers, lakes and spectacular coastlines. And there are many great tourist sites, and some very well equipped outdoor sports services all over the island. /p>

In this blog by Japanese teacher Igarashi sensei, a native of Hokkaido, you can share in one of her latest trips to her hometown.

Read this and learn about the wonderful nature in Hokkaido as you also learn new Japanese vocabulary, grammar and listen to some fluent Japanese.





私は広島県に住んでいますが、出身は北海道です。 この夏、北海道の実家に帰省した際に初めて、川でカヌーに乗りました。


風向きによっては、あまり漕がずにゴールポイントまで行ける日もあるようですが、体験した日は奇しくも向かい風。パドルを使って漕ぐのが少々大変でしたが、子供達も「よいしょ!よいしょ!」の掛け声とともに頑張りました。 透き通った水ときれいな景色を楽しみながら漕ぎ進むと、鹿がよく水を飲みに来るポイントに着きました。子供達は一旦カヌーを降りて、獣道をガイドさんに見せてもらいました。残念ながら鹿には会えませんでしたが、貴重な経験になったようです。

北海道では、川だけでなく湖や海でもカヌーができるそうです。 記録的な暑さが続くこの夏、涼しい北海道でみなさんもカヌーを体験してみませんか。


To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.

私(わたし)は広島県(ひろしまけん)に住(す)んでいますが、出身(しゅっしん)は北海道(ほっかいどう)です。 この夏(なつ)、北海道(ほっかいどう)の実家(じっか)に帰省(きせい)した際(さい)に初(はじ)めて、川(かわ)でカヌーに乗(の)りました。


風向(かざむ)きによっては、あまり漕(こ)がずにゴールポイントまで行(い)ける日(ひ)もあるようですが、体験(たいけん)した日(ひ)は奇(く)しくも向(む)かい風(かぜ)。パドルを使(つか)って漕(こ)ぐのが少々(しょうしょう)大変(たいへん)でしたが、子供達(こどもたち)も「よいしょ!よいしょ!」の掛(か)け声(ごえ)とともに頑張(がんば)りました。 透(す)き通(とお)った水(みず)ときれいな景色(けしき)を楽(たの)しみながら漕(こ)ぎ進(すす)むと、鹿(しか)がよく水(みず)を飲(の)みに来(く)るポイントに着(つ)きました。子供達(こどもたち)は一旦(いったん)カヌーを降(お)りて、獣道(けものみち)をガイドさんに見(み)せてもらいました。残念(ざんねん)ながら鹿(しか)には会(あ)えませんでしたが、貴重(きちょう)な経験(けいけん)になったようです。

北海道(ほっかいどう)では、川(かわ)だけでなく湖(みずうみ)や海(うみ)でもカヌーができるそうです。 記録的(きろくてき)な暑(あつ)さが続(つづ)くこの夏(なつ)、涼(すず)しい北海道(ほっかいどう)でみなさんもカヌーを体験(たいけん)してみませんか。


I live in Hiroshima prefecture but my hometown is Hokkaido. This summer, when I went back to my hometown, I rode in a canoe for the first time.

The Canoe Tour that I took part in had us rowing in a boat down a gently flowing river while we enjoyed the natural scenery. Small children could take part too, so I went with my son, my sister's family and some friends so that all in all 10 people took part. Listening to the guide's explanations, we set off.

Depending on the direction of the wind, there are days when you can get to the Goal Point without having to row much, but the day that we had our trial experience, curiously, there was a headwind. Rowing the boat using the paddles was slightly difficult and even the children rowed hard while calling out the chant, “Yoisho! Yoisho!”. We rowed on while enjoying the beautiful scenery and transparent water until we reached the point where deer often come to drink water. The children got out of the canoe for a while and were shown a nature trail. Unfortunately, we couldn't see any deer but it was a precious experience for us.

In Hokkaido, you can go canoeing on lakes and in the sea, not just down rivers. And as the record-setting heat of this year's summer continues, why don't you come to cool and refreshing Hokkaido and try some canoeing.

帰省(きせい): go back to my hometown

漕(こ)ぐ: row、scull、paddle

同行(どうこう)する: fellow pilgrim; accompanying; party

奇(く)しくも: strangely [oddly, funnily] enough, by a curious coincidence

獣道(けものみち): trail for animals


Hajimemashite, everyone . My name is Maki Igarashi.
Although I'm originally from Hokkaido, I live in Hiroshima because of my husband's work transfer. Hokkaido is the northernmost island of Japan. Winter is very cold and snowy, but Hokkaido's natural scenery is very beautiful, and we have a lot of delicious food. Here in Hiroshima, on Miya-jima Island, you can see Itsukushima Shrine, a world cultural heritage site. If you come to Japan, please visit these great places.

I'd like to see you smile at least once in every class. The lessons will be, well, fun! Prepare well, and review well! :o)
Don't get caught up thinking Japanese is a difficult language, enjoy studying and learning !

Try to use your newly learned vocabulary and phrases all the time in the lessons. Looking forward to meeting you all in class !

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