Blogs edited and submitted by Chiho Kamioka

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Flower Parks in Japan

In Japan, with its four distinct seasons, offers a wide variety of flowers which bloom at different times during the seasons. All over Japan, you can find many beautiful and popular flower gardens which are often filled with local tourists as well as foreign visitors. The flowers that can be seen are often native Japanese blossoms, but there are some parks that plant imported blossoms throughout the year.

In Fukuoka on the Kyushu island of Japan, there are some of these parks and in this Japanese learning blog, Hachiyama sensei and Kamioka san visited one of these and took some wonderful photographs.

Please read the blog and learn some new Japanese vocabulary, then watch the video to listen to fluent Japanese read out aloud to help practice your Japanese listening skills.






能古島は、福岡の博多湾の西側に位置する離島で、「能古島アイランドパーク」という観光スポットがあります。 離島と言っても、福岡市内からフェリーでわずか10分程度のところなので、日帰りで気軽に行くことができます。


見どころは、何といっても四季の花々。 まるで絨毯のような鮮やかな色のリビングストンデージーや、私たちに話しかけるように首をかしげるポピーは特に美しかったです。


島内には、散策コースもあり、海を眺めることもできます。 これからは夏に向け、あじさいやひまわりなどにお色直しをし始めます。 また別の季節の能古島も見てみたいと思いました。



To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video.




能古島(のこのしま)は、福岡(ふくおか)の博多湾(はかたわん)の西側(にしがわ)に位置(いち)する離島(りとう)で、「能古島(のこのしま)アイランドパーク」という観光(かんこう)スポットがあります。 離島(りとう)と言(い)っても、福岡市内(ふくおかしない)からフェリーでわずか10分(ぷん)程度(ていど)のところなので、日帰(ひがえ)りで気軽(きがる)に行(い)くことができます。

見(み)どころは、何(なん)といっても四季(しき)の花々(はなばな)。 まるで絨毯(じゅうたん)のような鮮(あざ)やかな色(いろ)のリビングストンデージーや、私(わたし)たちに話(はな)しかけるように首(くび)をかしげるポピーは特(とく)に美(うつく)しかったです。 島内(とうない)には、散策(さんさく)コースもあり、海(うみ)を眺(なが)めることもできます。 これからは夏(なつ)に向(む)け、あじさいやひまわりなどにお色直(いろなお)しをし始(はじ)めます。 また別(べつ)の季節(きせつ)の能古島(のこのしま)も見(み)てみたいと思(おも)いました。



Every year in May there is a long holiday called Golden Week in Japan, Using these consecutive holidays, families go out, take trips and the resorts and tourist spots are filled with people. Actually, during this long holiday I went to a place called Nokonoshima together with Kamioka san.

Nokonoshima is an isolated island located on the west side of Hakata Bay, and there is a tourist spot called “Nokonoshima Island Park”. Even though it is an isolated island, it is only about a 10 minute ferry ride from Fukuoka city, so you can take a day trip there freely. The highlight is no doubt the various flowers of the four seasons.

There were Livingstone Daisies with vivid colours spread out just like a carpet, and the Poppies tipping their heads almost as if they were talking to us were particularly beautiful. Within the island there is a walking course and you can gaze out to the sea. From now as we head towards summer, the hydrangea and sunflowers have begun to change their colours. I thought that I would like to see Nokonoshima during a different season.

If you have an opportunity to visit Fukuoka, please try to go and see Nokonoshima.

大型連休(おおがたれんきゅう);long holiday


離島(りとう);an isolated 


何(なん)といっても;no doubt

四季(しき);the four seasons

絨毯(じゅうたん);a carpet

かしげる;tilt one's head to a side


Hajimemashite everyone ! My name is Megumi Hachiyama. I live in Fukuoka prefecture. I have never lived anywhere else other than Fukuoka since I was born, but the nature here is so beautiful and the food is so delicious - I just love Fukuoka ! What part of Japanese or Japan are you interested in ?

I want to share with you the joy of that feeling you get when your "Wakaranai" (I don't understand) becomes "Wakaru" (I understand), and your "Wakaru" (I understand) becomes "Dekiru or Tsukaeru!" (I can use it !))... Looking forward to meeting you.

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