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100 yen shops

Shopping in Japan

In a typical Japanese shopping district you can find the usual supermarkets, clothing stores and alcohol stores along side the ubiquitous convenient stores.

But the type of shop introduced here by Japanese teacher Itaya sensei in this Japanese learners' blog, might be one of the most useful type of shop in Japan.

Itaya sensei reads the blog in fluent and natural Japanese, so please read through the blog to learn vocabulary and listen to the video to improve your Japanese listening skills.

100 yen shops


By ITAYA Sayuri






第3位 取っ手付き収納グッズ


第2位 鍋底に置くだけで吹きこぼれ防止する『コトコトくん』


第1位 ハンディシーラー(Handy sealer) 余ったお菓子などの袋を再度密封できる優れ物です。




To listen to this blog, please watch our Youtube video. 






第(だい)3位(い) 取(と)っ手(て)付(つ)き収納(しゅうのう)グッズ

第2位 鍋底(なべぞこ)に置(お)くだけで吹(ふ)きこぼれ防止(ぼうし)する『コトコトくん』

第1位 ハンディシーラー(Handy sealer) 余(あま)ったお菓子(かし)などの袋(ふくろ)を再度(さいど)密封(みっぷう)できる優(すぐ)れ物(もの)です。



100 yen shops

Have you ever been to any 100 yen (Hyaku En) shops, which are common in Japan ? A 100 yen shop is a type of store in which the products inside the shop are sold for 100 yen each. The prices are uniform, in other words all of the products are the same price of 100 yen, so another name for the stores is “Hyaku En Kinitsu” (uniformly 100 yen) and some people shorten this and call them “Hyakkin” stores.

And during the times when Japan didn't have consumption tax, the shops became popular because it was somewhere you could buy things cheaply and in carefree manner with just one 100 yen coin. Currently the Japanese consumption tax is at 8% so at the till you actually pay 108 yen for each product.

For those of you who have never been, you might be wondering, “What can you buy for 100 yen?”-but the number of products available is incredibly large, from daily necessities to stationery, cosmetics, gardening tools, tableware and kitchen utensils, and there are also foodstuffs – there is a really great variety of things. And there are also products to match the seasons and events, for example just previously there were Halloween accessories and sweets, and in this period there are Christmas decorations and party goods so even if you go to the same store, the products change according to the season so its fun to just look around. And there are also some really useful products. I often get surprised and think, “Can I really buy such a nice product for just 100 yen?”

Incidentally, here is the top 3 ranking of our household's favorite products.

Number 3 : storage units equipped with handles
Number 2 : “Kotokoto kun” which you put into the bottom of your pot to prevent it from boiling over.
Number 1 : A handy sealer – this extraordinary item allows you to reseal the bags for left over sweets and such.

There are also many Japanese style goods so you can buy lots of souvenirs without worrying about their cost, right? However, recently there aren't only goods for 100 yen but also some for 300 yen or 500 yen so please check the prices carefully before buying.

別名 【べつめい】 alias; different name; other name

略して 【りゃくして】 for short 

消費税 【しょうひぜい】 consumption tax (incl. sales tax, VAT, excise duty, etc.)

百円玉 【ひゃくえんだま】 100 yen coin

気軽 【きがる】 (adj-na) carefree

商品 【しょうひん】 commodity; article of commerce; goods;

品数 【しなかず】 number of articles

日用品 【にちようひん】 daily necessities;

文房具 【ぶんぼうぐ】 stationery

化粧品 【けしょうひん】 cosmetics

園芸用具 【えんげいようぐ】 gardening tools

食器 【しょっき】 tableware

調理道具 【ちょうりどうぐ】kitchen utensils

食品 【しょくひん】 food; food products; foodstuffs

多種多様 【たしゅたよう】 a great variety of

行事 【ぎょうじ】 event

時期 【じき】 time; season; period;

飾り 【かざり】 decoration

驚く 【おどろく】 to be surprised

しばしば often; again and again; frequently

ちなみに incidentally

我が家 【わがや】 (exp,n) one's house; one's home; one's family

愛用品 【あいようひん】Favorite items

取っ手 【とって】 handle; grip; knob

~付き【つき】 (1) furnished with; including; (2) attached to

収納 【しゅうのう】 storage; putting or stowing away

鍋底 【なべぞこ】 (inner) bottom of a pot

吹きこぼれる 【ふきこぼれる】 to boil over

防止 【ぼうし】 prevention

余る 【あまる】 to remain; to be left over

再度 【さいど】 twice; again; second time

密封 【みっぷう】 (n,vs) hermetically seal; sealing

優れ物 【すぐれもの】 (n) exceptional item; extraordinary product

-的 【てき】  -like; typical

多数 【たすう】 large number; many

お土産 【おみやげ】 souvenir

ただし but; however; provided that

のみならず besides; as well as

しっかり firmly; tightly (holding on); securely

確認 【かくにん】 confirmation; verification; validation; review; check; affirmation


Hajimemashite, everyone. My name is Itaya Sayuri. I live in Sapporo, Hokkaido.
Sapporo is a really liveable city because, although we have a lot of snow in the winter, the summers are much cooler than other areas of Japan. Apart from teaching Japanese, I also hope to let everyone know about Sapporo, its beautiful nature and delicious food.
I play volleyball once or twice a week for my health and play golf on occasion. I also love watching movies.
Do you think the Japanese language is difficult? Well, come and enjoy studying with me in our online Japanese classroom?don't worry about making mistakes and just try to speak up as much as possible. I think this is the secret to success in Japanese. Ganbare!

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